māh[Pehl. māh; Zend māoṅh; S. मास् ], s.m. The moon; (met.) a beloved person; a mistress;—a month (whether lunar or solar):—māh-ba-māh, adv. From month to month; every month; monthly:—māh-pāror māh-pāra, s.m. 'Piece of the moon,' lovely object, handsome person:—māh-jabīn, or māh-rū, or māh-t̤al’at, or māh-liqā, adj. & s.m.f. Having a forehead, or face (or countenance) as beautiful as the moon;—a beautiful or beloved person, a beauty:—māh-tāb, s.f. Moonlight, moonshine;—s.m. The moon;—(met.) the face of a mistress:—māh-tābī, s.f. A kind of firework, a blue-light;—a species of marshmelon;—a shaddock (syn. ćakotrā);—cloth on which are pasted devices of the heavenly bodies in gold or silver:—māh-ě-shamsī, s.m. A solar month:—māh-ě-qamarī, s.m. A lunar month:—māh-ě-kan’ānī, s.m. 'Moon of Canaan'; Joseph, son of Jacob:—māh-māh, adv.=māh-ba-māh, q.v.:—māh-wār, māh-wāra, adj. & s.m., and māh-wārī, adj. & s.f. Monthly;—monthly stipend; monthly wages; the revenue that is collected in a month:—māh-wash, adj. & s.m. & f. Like the moon, beautiful as the moon;—a beautiful person, a beauty, a mistress.
Origin: Persian