◀Previous 200 Entries45834. لگن 45835. لگن 45836. لگن 45837. لگن 45838. لگن 45839. لگنا45840. لگنا 45841. لگنی 45842. لگھتا 45843. لگھتو 45844. لگھو 45845. لگھواهار 45846. لگھورمی 45847. لگھوي 45848. لگوا 45849. لگوا 45850. لگوا 45851. لگواڑ 45852. لگوانا 45853. لگون 45854. لگونا 45855. لگونہا 45856. لگونہان 45857. لگونہان 45858. لگوها 45859. لگی 45860. لگی 45861. لگی 45862. لگیو 45863. للا 45864. للاٹ 45865. للاٹكا 45866. للاڑ 45867. للام 45868. للاما 45869. للامك 45870. للامن 45871. للامی 45872. للانا 45873. للت 45874. للتا 45875. للچانا 45876. للچت 45877. للچترا 45878. للدمبو 45879. للسانا 45880. للك 45881. للكار 45882. للكارنا 45883. للكانا 45884. للكنا 45885. للگنڈا 45886. للگنڈي 45887. للن 45888. للنا 45889. للنا 45890. لله 45891. للو 45892. للو 45893. للوا 45894. للی 45895. للیانا 45896. للیانا 45897. لم 45898. لمب 45899. لمبا 45900. لمبا 45901. لمباءی 45902. لمباڑا 45903. لمبان 45904. لمبانا 45905. لمباو 45906. لمبت 45907. لمبر 45908. لمبر 45909. لمبري 45910. لمبشا 45911. لمبك 45912. لمبكا 45913. لمبكا 45914. لمبكو 45915. لمبھا 45916. لمبھا 45917. لمبو 45918. لمبوترا 45919. لمبی 45920. لمپٹ 45921. لمپٹنا 45922. لمتڑانگ 45923. لمتڑانگا 45924. لمٹنگا 45925. لمچہڑ 45926. لمچہڑا 45927. لمحہ 45928. لمدما 45929. لمڈڑهیا 45930. لمڈهیك 45931. لمڈور 45932. لمس 45933. لمعات 45934. لمعہ 45935. لمكانا 45936. لمكانا 45937. لمكنا 45938. لمكنا 45939. لمگردنا 45940. لمن 45941. لمھا 45942. لمھر 45943. لن 45944. لنا 45945. لنب 45946. لنبا 45947. لنترانی 45948. لنٹك 45949. لنٹهہ 45950. لنج 45951. لنجا 45952. لنجہ 45953. لندپھند 45954. لندي پھندي 45955. لنڈ 45956. لنڈا 45957. لنڈا 45958. لنڈمنڈ 45959. لنڈهانا 45960. لنڈهنا 45961. لنڈوا 45962. لنڈورا 45963. لنڈي 45964. لنڈیانا 45965. لنڈیت 45966. لنڑ 45967. لنڑا 45968. لنك 45969. لنكا 45970. لنكایكا 45971. لنكوپكا 45972. لنگ 45973. لنگ 45974. لنگ 45975. لنگ 45976. لنگ 45977. لنگ 45978. لنگارا 45979. لنگاڑا 45980. لنگاڑاپن 45981. لنگاڑپن 45982. لنگایت 45983. لنگراءی 45984. لنگروا 45985. لنگري 45986. لنگري 45987. لنگڑ 45988. لنگڑا 45989. لنگڑاءی 45990. لنگڑاتا 45991. لنگڑاكر 45992. لنگڑانا 45993. لنگڑاہٹ 45994. لنگن 45995. لنگھانا 45996. لنگھت 45997. لنگھن 45998. لنگھنا 45999. لنگھنی 46000. لنگو 46001. لنگوٹ 46002. لنگوٹا 46003. لنگوٹي 46004. لنگوٹیا 46005. لنگوچا 46006. لنگور 46007. لنگوري 46008. لنگی 46009. لنگی 46010. لنگی 46011. لنگیت 46012. لننا 46013. لہ 46014. لہا 46015. لہاءی 46016. لہاب 46017. لہار 46018. لہارن 46019. لہاڑا 46020. لہاس 46021. لہاسی 46022. لہان 46023. لہانا 46024. لہانگی 46025. لہب 46026. لہبر 46027. لہبیرا 46028. لہجہ 46029. لہچون 46030. لہذا 46031. لہر 46032. لہرا 46033. لہرا


लगना lagnā[lag˚= Prk. लग्ग(इ)=S. लग्य(ते), rt. लग् +nāfor anā= Prk. अणअं=S. अनीयं ], v.n. To be attached (to, -se, or -meṅ), to be joined (to), be connected (with), to be fastened (to, -meṅ); to be moored (a ship); to come to anchor; to be or become fixed (in or on); to come to a stand-still; to be inserted (in); to be planted or set (trees, etc.); to be added (to), to be appended; to fix itself (in or into); to take root, to become rooted (in); to be settled (on or upon); to settle down (in), to make a haunt (of), to hang about, to haunt, to frequent (e.g. wahāṅsher lagtāhai); to lie in wait;—to be applied (to); to be put, or laid, or imposed (upon), to be staked (on, -par); to be invested (as money); to be spent, or expended, or consumed (on); to cost; to be valued at;—to be put (in or into); to be posted (as a letter); to be disposed of (to, -meṅ), to be sold (to), to be taken (at,—e.g. sau jildeṅsarkār-meṅlagga`īṅ);—to be put in order, to be arranged;—to be employed, be occupied or engaged (in); to be intent (on), to be set or bent (on);—to be close (to), be contiguous (to), to adjoin; to join; to touch; to come into contact, or connection, or correspondence (with); to be in close intimacy (with, -se); to enter (into) and form the substance (of), to be duly concocted and assimilated; to be joined in sexual congress, to lie (with, -se); to copulate (with);—to attach (to, -ko), to cling (to); to be incurred, or contracted (as blame, disgrace, etc.); to attach oneself (to), to be with, or on the side (of);—to come (to); to fall (to or together), to close, shut (as doors, shutters, eyelids or eyes, etc.); to fall or draw (in, to collapse, to become shrunk or shrivelled (e.g. māre bhūk-ke peṭlag-gayā);—to attain or reach (to), to arrive (at);—to stick, adhere (to); to catch; to falter (in speech), to stutter, stammer (e.g. zabān lagnā);—to light (on); to hit or strike (on or against, -meṅ);—to be discovered (a clue or trace, etc.); to act or operate (on, -ko), to take effect (on), to affect; to have the intended or natural effect, to answer, succeed, take, come off; to be achieved, be effected;—to get on foot, to get into vogue or fashion;—to touch, affect, move, melt (with dat.); to come home (to), to tell (upon);—to hurt or wound; to bite or sting; to burn or smart (as anything acrid or pungent); to taste (e.g. khaṭṭālagnā); to be felt or perceived, to have a sense or feeling (of); to feel, perceive (e.g. sardīlagtīhai);—to act or operate hurtfully or disagreeably (as food, etc.), to be unwholesome (as the water of a place, e.g. pānīwahāṅ-kālagtāhai); to bear or press (upon), to gall, pinch, rub (as a saddle on the back of a horse, etc.); to receive or sustain a galling or abrasion, to be galled, etc.;—to fall (upon, -ko), to attack (as blight, etc.); to be affected with blemish or damage; to be burnt or scorched (as food in cooking, or clothes in drying before a fire); to be or become touched, or tainted, or corrupted, or rotten, to rot;—to be imputed (to); to be falsely accused;—to be wanting or necessary (to);—to come or arise (upon or to), to happen (to), befall, betide;—to form an affection (of,—e.g. bhūk lagnā, pyās lagnā, etc.), to feel or have the desire (for,—e.g. jhāṛālagnā, peshāb lagnā);—to be met (with); to be caught or overtaken (by,—as disease, calamity, etc.); to fall in the way (of), come (before), present itself (to);—to be found or obtained (by,—as service or employment);—to arise or come (upon); to be borne or produced (as fruit); to bear (as fruittrees); to shoot, sprout, germinate;—to be or become, to have some certain condition, or quality, or accident; to be found to be; to look (like), to seem to be; to seem, appear;—to be kindled, to catch, to break out (as fire); to apply (to, -ko), to be applicable or pertinent, to hold good; to apply oneself (to); to be about, to begin (in this sense employed to form Inchoative compounds, e.g. kahne lagā, 'he began to say');—to arise and proceed; to set in (as rains, cold, heat, etc.); to be proceeding or in progress, to be in full fling or activity (as a market, etc.);—to have suitableness, or agreeableness, or harmonious relation; to fit, suit, become; to refer (to); to bear (on); to be related (to), to be a relation (of, -kā); to appertain (to), to belong (to); to be the concern, or province, or proper office or business (of); to be incumbent or obligatory (on, -ko; to be necessary to be done or suffered (by);—(as a gerund) s.m. Applying, application, etc.:—lag-ćalnā, v.n. For this and other similar compounds, see s.v. the past conj. part. lag:—lag-jānā, v.n. intens. of, and=lagnā(lag-jānāis the more com. form):—lag-lenā(-ke pīche), To follow (in the track of), to go (after).
Origin: Hindi
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