लगना lagnā[lag˚= Prk. लग्ग(इ)=S. लग्य(ते), rt. लग् +nāfor anā= Prk. अणअं=S. अनीयं ], v.n. To be attached (to, -se, or -meṅ), to be joined (to), be connected (with), to be fastened (to, -meṅ); to be moored (a ship); to come to anchor; to be or become fixed (in or on); to come to a stand-still; to be inserted (in); to be planted or set (trees, etc.); to be added (to), to be appended; to fix itself (in or into); to take root, to become rooted (in); to be settled (on or upon); to settle down (in), to make a haunt (of), to hang about, to haunt, to frequent (e.g. wahāṅsher lagtāhai); to lie in wait;—to be applied (to); to be put, or laid, or imposed (upon), to be staked (on, -par); to be invested (as money); to be spent, or expended, or consumed (on); to cost; to be valued at;—to be put (in or into); to be posted (as a letter); to be disposed of (to, -meṅ), to be sold (to), to be taken (at,—e.g. sau jildeṅsarkār-meṅlagga`īṅ);—to be put in order, to be arranged;—to be employed, be occupied or engaged (in); to be intent (on), to be set or bent (on);—to be close (to), be contiguous (to), to adjoin; to join; to touch; to come into contact, or connection, or correspondence (with); to be in close intimacy (with, -se); to enter (into) and form the substance (of), to be duly concocted and assimilated; to be joined in sexual congress, to lie (with, -se); to copulate (with);—to attach (to, -ko), to cling (to); to be incurred, or contracted (as blame, disgrace, etc.); to attach oneself (to), to be with, or on the side (of);—to come (to); to fall (to or together), to close, shut (as doors, shutters, eyelids or eyes, etc.); to fall or draw (in, to collapse, to become shrunk or shrivelled (e.g. māre bhūk-ke peṭlag-gayā);—to attain or reach (to), to arrive (at);—to stick, adhere (to); to catch; to falter (in speech), to stutter, stammer (e.g. zabān lagnā);—to light (on); to hit or strike (on or against, -meṅ);—to be discovered (a clue or trace, etc.); to act or operate (on, -ko), to take effect (on), to affect; to have the intended or natural effect, to answer, succeed, take, come off; to be achieved, be effected;—to get on foot, to get into vogue or fashion;—to touch, affect, move, melt (with dat.); to come home (to), to tell (upon);—to hurt or wound; to bite or sting; to burn or smart (as anything acrid or pungent); to taste (e.g. khaṭṭālagnā); to be felt or perceived, to have a sense or feeling (of); to feel, perceive (e.g. sardīlagtīhai);—to act or operate hurtfully or disagreeably (as food, etc.), to be unwholesome (as the water of a place, e.g. pānīwahāṅ-kālagtāhai); to bear or press (upon), to gall, pinch, rub (as a saddle on the back of a horse, etc.); to receive or sustain a galling or abrasion, to be galled, etc.;—to fall (upon, -ko), to attack (as blight, etc.); to be affected with blemish or damage; to be burnt or scorched (as food in cooking, or clothes in drying before a fire); to be or become touched, or tainted, or corrupted, or rotten, to rot;—to be imputed (to); to be falsely accused;—to be wanting or necessary (to);—to come or arise (upon or to), to happen (to), befall, betide;—to form an affection (of,—e.g. bhūk lagnā, pyās lagnā, etc.), to feel or have the desire (for,—e.g. jhāṛālagnā, peshāb lagnā);—to be met (with); to be caught or overtaken (by,—as disease, calamity, etc.); to fall in the way (of), come (before), present itself (to);—to be found or obtained (by,—as service or employment);—to arise or come (upon); to be borne or produced (as fruit); to bear (as fruittrees); to shoot, sprout, germinate;—to be or become, to have some certain condition, or quality, or accident; to be found to be; to look (like), to seem to be; to seem, appear;—to be kindled, to catch, to break out (as fire); to apply (to, -ko), to be applicable or pertinent, to hold good; to apply oneself (to); to be about, to begin (in this sense employed to form Inchoative compounds, e.g. kahne lagā, 'he began to say');—to arise and proceed; to set in (as rains, cold, heat, etc.); to be proceeding or in progress, to be in full fling or activity (as a market, etc.);—to have suitableness, or agreeableness, or harmonious relation; to fit, suit, become; to refer (to); to bear (on); to be related (to), to be a relation (of, -kā); to appertain (to), to belong (to); to be the concern, or province, or proper office or business (of); to be incumbent or obligatory (on, -ko; to be necessary to be done or suffered (by);—(as a gerund) s.m. Applying, application, etc.:—lag-ćalnā, v.n. For this and other similar compounds, see s.v. the past conj. part. lag:—lag-jānā, v.n. intens. of, and=lagnā(lag-jānāis the more com. form):—lag-lenā(-ke pīche), To follow (in the track of), to go (after).
Origin: Hindi