लुंजor लुज्जा lunjā= H لنج लुंजor लुञ्ज lunj= H لنجہ lunja[prob. S. लुि◌ज्जतः, rt. लुञ्ज् =लञ्ज् ;; or लून+पञ्जक;; Pers. also lunjand lunja], adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Lame of a hand or hands; lame of hands and feet; without hands; without hands and feet; crippled, lame;—one who has lost the use of his hands, or of his fingers and toes; one who is without hands, or hands and feet; a cripple:—lunj-munj, adj. (dialec.)=lunj.
Origin: Hindi