कहना kahnā[kah˚= Prk. कह(इ) or कहे(इ)=S. कथय(ित), rt. कथ् ;+nā= Prk. अअणअं=S. अनीयं ], v.t. To say, utter, speak (to, -se; of, -ko); to tell, declare, mention, state, deliver, relate, repeat, recount; to acquaint (with, -se); to advise, admonish; to affirm, assert, aver, avow; to bid, order; to speak of, address, call, name, pronounce (with -koof object); to compose; toread, to quote;—s.m. Saying, remark, a word or phrase; comment; advice; order, bidding:—kah-ānā, To tell, to announce:—kah-jānā(intens. of kahnā), To tell, etc.; to leave word with or behind:—kahdenā, v.t. intens. of and = kahnā:—kahnā-ankahnā, s.m. Improper language:—kahne-par jānāor ćalnā(-ke, or mere, etc.), To do as bid, to heed, mind, obey:—kahnā-sunnā, v.t. To remark, observe;—s.m. Dispute, wrangling, altercation;—consideration; influence:—kahnākarnā(-kā), To do the bidding (of), carry out the instructions (of):—kahne-ko, adv. For the sake of saying or talking:—kahne-kībāteṅ, s.f. pl. Mere words:—kahnāmānnā(-kā), To obey the order (of), to be obedient (to):—kahne-meṅ, adv. Under command or control, subject to orders, submissive, obedient, in hand:—kahnemeṅ ā-saknā, To be expressible by speech:—kahne-meṅrahnāor honā(-ke), To be obedient (to), to mind:—kahne-wālā, or kahan-hār, s.m. Speaker, relater, narrator, etc.; (in Gram.) the first person:—kah-gayā-bah-gayā, part. Gone to the winds, thrown away, wasted, lost (said esp. of unheeded speech, advice, instruction, etc.):—kahūṅto māmar-jā`egī, na kahūṅto bāp kuttākhā-jā`egā, A saying expressive of dilemma or case of difficult decision.
Origin: Hindi