◀Previous 200 Entries41368. كھریشٹ 41369. كھریشٹیان 41370. كھرینج 41371. كھرینچنا 41372. كھڑ 41373. كھڑا41374. كھڑا 41375. كہڑا 41376. كھڑاءی 41377. كھڑاڑا 41378. كھڑاكا 41379. كھڑالو 41380. كھڑانو 41381. كھڑاوان 41382. كھڑاون 41383. كھڑبڑ 41384. كھڑبڑا 41385. كھڑبڑاهٹ 41386. كھڑبڑي 41387. كھڑبیڑ 41388. كھڑبیہڑ 41389. كھڑتل 41390. كھڑجانا 41391. كھڑسان 41392. كھڑك 41393. كھڑك 41394. كھڑكا 41395. كھڑكا 41396. كھڑكانا 41397. كھڑكٹ 41398. كھڑكن 41399. كھڑكنا 41400. كھڑكھڑ 41401. كھڑكھڑاٹ 41402. كھڑكھڑانا 41403. كھڑكھڑاهٹ 41404. كھڑكھڑیا 41405. كھڑكی 41406. كھڑگ 41407. كھڑل 41408. كھڑلا 41409. كھڑمنڈل 41410. كھڑنجا 41411. كھڑنك 41412. كھڑنك 41413. كھڑنكھہ 41414. كھڑنكھہ 41415. كھڑهر 41416. كھڑهر 41417. كھڑهل 41418. كھڑهل 41419. كھڑهہ 41420. كھڑوا 41421. كہڑي 41422. كھڑي 41423. كھڑي 41424. كھڑي 41425. كھڑي 41426. كھڑیا 41427. كھڑیا 41428. كھڑي كھڑي 41429. كھڑینچ 41430. كھڑینچیا 41431. كھس 41432. كھس 41433. كہسار 41434. كھساري 41435. كھسانا 41436. كھسانا 41437. كھسایا 41438. كھس پس 41439. كہستان 41440. كھسرا 41441. كھسرا 41442. كھسرپھسر 41443. كھسكانا 41444. كھسكنا 41445. كھسكنت 41446. كھسكھس 41447. كھسكھس 41448. كھسكھس 41449. كھسكھسا 41450. كھسكھسانا 41451. كھسكو 41452. كھسلانا 41453. كھسلاهٹ 41454. كھسلاو 41455. كھسلنا 41456. كھسلہا 41457. كھسنا 41458. كھسوٹ 41459. كھسوٹا 41460. كھسوٹنا 41461. كھسیانا 41462. كھسیانپت 41463. كھسیانپٹ 41464. كھسیانپن 41465. كھسیانپنا 41466. كھسیاهٹ 41467. كھش 41468. كھشریر 41469. كہف 41470. كہك 41471. كہك 41472. كھكا 41473. كھكارنا 41474. كہكر 41475. كہكشان 41476. كہكنا 41477. كھكھار 41478. كھكھٹانا 41479. كھكھل 41480. كھكھلا 41481. كھكھہ 41482. كھكھوڈل 41483. كھكھورنا 41484. كھكھوڑنا 41485. كھكھیڑ 41486. كھكھیڑنا 41487. كھكورنا 41488. كھكوڑنا 41489. كھكیڑ 41490. كھكیڑنا 41491. كھگ 41492. كھگ 41493. كہگل 41494. كھگہا 41495. كھگو 41496. كھگول 41497. كہگیا 41498. كھگیش 41499. كہل 41500. كھل 41501. كھل 41502. كھل 41503. كھل 41504. كھلا 41505. كھلا 41506. كھلا 41507. كھلا 41508. كھلاءی 41509. كھلاءی 41510. كھلار 41511. كھلار 41512. كھلار 41513. كھلاڑ 41514. كھلاڑ 41515. كھلاڑپن 41516. كھلاڑن 41517. كھلاڑي 41518. كھلاڑي 41519. كھلاڑیان 41520. كھلال 41521. كھلالا 41522. كہلانا 41523. كہلانا 41524. كھلانا 41525. كھلانا 41526. كھلانا 41527. كھلانا 41528. كھلاو 41529. كہلاوت 41530. كھلاونا 41531. كھلباڑ 41532. كھلبل 41533. كھلبلانا 41534. كھلبلاهٹ 41535. كھلبلی 41536. كھلبلی 41537. كھلبندي 41538. كھلتا 41539. كھلٹ 41540. كھلڑا 41541. كھلڑا 41542. كھلڑي 41543. كھلڑي 41544. كھلسانا 41545. كھلش 41546. كھلكھل 41547. كھلكھل 41548. كھلكھلانا 41549. كھلكھلانا 41550. كھل كھیلنا 41551. كھلكے 41552. كھلگا 41553. كھلمندنی 41554. كہلنا 41555. كھلنا 41556. كھلنا 41557. كھلندڑا 41558. كھلنگا 41559. كھلہ 41560. كھلہان 41561. كھلو 41562. كھلو 41563. كھلواٹ 41564. كھلواڑ 41565. كہلوانا 41566. كھلوانا 41567. كھلوانا


खड़ा khaṛā[prob. Prk. खड्ढओ; S. ःकब्ध+कः, rt. ःकम्भ् ], adj. (f. -ī), Standing up, erect, upright, on-end; perpendicular; very steep or high;—standing, stationary;—at anchor, moored; aground;—in waiting, at call, remaining;—continual, perpetual, constant;—ready, prepared; ripe;—half-cooked, undissolved (e.g. khaṛīdāl);—in abeyance, standing over, not determined upon, of which payment is suspended (a bill or draft); unclosed, not finally and duly entered (an account, etc.);—s.m. A perpendicular:—khaṛāpānīna pīnā, 'Not to stand and drink water' (at a person's house); to hate the very sight of (a person), to hate cordially:—khaṛāpaćhāreṅkhānā, To be struck down suddenly or unexpectedly:—khaṛā-paṛāpīṭnā, 'To beat (the head, or breast) standing and lying down,' to lament without intermission:—khaṛādā`oṅ, The last stake:—khaṛā ḍabā`o (in Mech.), Normal pressure:—khaṛārakhnā, v.t. To keep standing, or erect, etc.; to support, sustain:—khaṛārahnā, v.n. To remain standing, to stand, stay, wait:—khaṛāqad, Upright figure; stature of a man standing upright:—khaṛākarnā, or kar-denā, v.t. To cause to stand up or rise, to lift up; to raise, erect, set up, stick up; to pitch (a tent); to erect, construct, build; to set up, start, open, establish, institute; to begin, commence;—to make stationary, bring to a stand, to stop;—to fix, place, station;—to invent, fabricate; to procure a fictitious person for some purpose;—to raise, rouse, stir up, excite;—to sew with long stitches, to baste;—khaṛa khet, A standing crop; (in Geom.) a vertical plane:—khaṛākhel, Despatch, expedition:—khaṛāgol sikhar, (in Math.) A right circular cone:—khaṛāhonā, or ho-jānā, v.n. To be or become erect, to stand up, to rise; to stand; to rear (a horse);—to be raised, be lifted; to be built, be constructed; to be set on foot, be started, be opened, be established, be instituted; to begin; to arise;—to be ready, be prepared:—khaṛe-band, s.m. An account drawn out on a loose sheet of paper;—a day-book, journal:—khaṛe-patthar, s.m. A slab of stone placed under a pillar orpost; plinth (of a column); a flat stone having a hole bored in it in which a pole is set upright:—khaṛe rakhnā, v.t. To balance (an account), to strike a balance:—khaṛe-khaṛe, or khaṛe-pā`oṅ, adv. On foot, standing all the while;—on the spot, at the instant, quickly, promptly, expeditiously, soon; instantly, immediately;—for a short while:—khaṛe kone-kātikhūṅṭ, A right-angled triangle:—khaṛe-ghāṭ, s.m. Washing and bleaching roughly or quickly at the ghāṭor washing place (in the river, etc.); (fig.) the first rough doing (of a thing);—cleanness (as of a just-bleached cloth):—khaṛī ćhāyā, (in Ast.) A nucleus:—khaṛītāl, A quick tune; quick time:—khaṛītāl-ke ćau-bole, A play in which various professions (as grocers, cobblers, etc.) are represented (it is so called from the lively music which accompanies the representation):—khaṛīlakīr, (in Geom.) A perpendicular:—khaṛīhunḍī, A hunḍīor bill as yet unaccepted.
Origin: Hindi
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