खल khal, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Low, base, mean, vile: malicious, mischievous; artful, bad, wicked; cruel;—a wicked or mischievous person, etc.;—s.m. A threshing-floor; a granary; a stock (of grain); a pit;—an entertainment;—deposit of oil, sediment, the cake that remains after the oil has been pressed out of certain seeds (esp. sesamum and sarsoṅ), oil-cake (com. khalīor kharī);—the plant Achyranthes lanata, the woolly Illecebrum or mountain knot-grass:—khalokti (˚la+uk˚), a.f. Low or wicked language, abuse:—khal-ganjan, adj. Sin-destroying.