कपड़ kapaṛ[Prk. कप्पडो, and कप्पडओ; S. कपर् टःand कपर् ट+कः], s.m. Cloth; clothing, clothes, dress, habit:—kapaṛ-pot, or kapṛoṅ-kīpot, s.f. A bundle of clothes:—kapaṛ-phūl, or kapaṛ-dhūl, s.m. Tissue; gauze; crape (worn as a sāṛī); a silk cloth wrought with gold and silver flowers (worn as a head-dress by women):—kapaṛ-ćhān, or kapaṛ-ćhan, adj. Thoroughly strained or sifted; impalpable (powder); deep (consultation):—kapaṛ-ćhān (or -ćhan)karnā, v.t. To strain, to sift:—kapaṛ-darār, s.m. A wardrobe (syn. tosha-ḵẖāna):—kapaṛ-kūṭ(S. karpaṭa+kuṭta), s.m. lit.'Pounded up with rags'; clay made for crucibles, etc.:—kapaṛ-koṭhor koṭhā, s.m. 'A cloth house,' a tent:—kapṛāoṛhnā, or kapṛāpahannā, To put on a covering or a garment, to cover or clothe oneself:—kapṛā-lattā, s.m. Clothes, clothing, articles of apparel:—kapṛā-wālā, s.m. A clothmanufacturer; cloth-merchant, draper:—kapṛe, s.m. pl. Clothes, clothing, dress, apparel:—kapṛe ānā(-ko), or kapṛoṅ-se honā, or kapṛoṅhonā, v.n. To have the menses:—kapṛe pahannā, To put on clothes, to dress:—kapṛe raṅgnā, To dye cloth or clothes; to become a faqīr:—kapṛe-ko jhol denā, To give an alarm (by making the clothes bulge out):—kapṛewapṛe, s.m. pl. Clothes.
Origin: Hindi