कपाली kapālī, adj. & s.m. Wearing skulls as a necklace; covered with skulls; an epithet of Śiva (who carries a skull in his hand, and wears a chain of skulls round his neck);—longheaded, clever, shrewd, cunning, sly;—a longheaded or shrewd person, etc.:—ardh-kapālī, s.m. Pain of half the head, hemicrania;—an areca nut having two kernels, or rather, one of those kernels which are convex on the one side and flat on the other, where it was in contact with its fellow (these nuts, from the doctrine of signatures, are said to be a remedy for hemicrania):—kapālī āsan, s.m. One of the attitudes of faqīrsin worship, in which they stand on their heads:—kapālīkriyā, s.f.=kapālkriyā, q.v.s.v. kapāl.