कपाल kapāl, s.m. The skull, the cranium, the skull-bone; the head; the forehead; the glene; (met.) fate, destiny;—the fragment of a vessel, a potsherd; either half of a water-jar; the shell (of an egg, etc.);—a kind of leprosy:—kapāl phūṭnā(-kā), 'The head to be broken'; to be unfortunate;—kapāl-kriyā, s.f. The ceremony of breaking the skull of a corpse (when a dead body is burning, and nearly reduced to ashes, the son or the nearest relation breaks the skull with the stroke of a bamboo and pours melted butter into the cavity):—kapāl-kriyākarnā(-kī, or apnī), To break the skull of a burnt corpse with a bamboo, etc.; (met.) to beat or cudgel one's brains, to think intensely:—kapāl khulnā(-kā), To have a favourable turn of fortune.