कुंरबोजी kuṅr-bojī, कुंअरबोजीkuṅ`ar-bojī, s.f. = H كنرمنڈلا कुंरमंडला kuṅrmaṇḍlā, कुंअरमण◌़डला ् kuṅ`ar-maṇḍalā, s.m. contrac. of kuṅ`ār-bonīor boyī, and kun`ārmaṇḍalāor maṇḍalī, qq.v), The last day of the sowings (in Benares and the Do`āb: it is observed as a holiday; and the residue of the seed-corn is made into a cake, which is partaken of in the field, and in part distributed to Brāhmans and beggars. Less correct forms of the words are kuṅṛ-bojī, kunar-bojī, etc.).
Origin: Hindi