कमर् karma, vulg. karm, and H. करम karam, s.m. Action act. deed, proceeding, performance, work, business, occupation, office; duty, obligation; moral conduct; religious observance, any religious action or rite (as sacrifice, ablution, funeral obsequies, etc.); moral duty or obligation (imposed by peculiarities of tribe or caste, occupation, etc.); (in Gram.) the accusative case;—fate (the certain consequence of previous acts), destiny, fortune, lot, portion;—product, result, effect:—karmāćal (˚ma+ ać˚), s.m. = karm-bhūmi, q.v.:—karmā-dharmī(karmā= karma), adj. & s.m. Devout, virtuous; fortunate; fortuitous, accidental;—a devout person, etc.:—karmādhīn (˚ma+adh˚), adj. (f. -ā), Subject to destiny, fated, destined:—karmārambha (˚ma+ār˚), s.m. Commencement of any work:—karmārambhak, s.m. (f. -ikā), Beginner, originator, causer:—karmāgat (˚ma+āg˚), part. adj. Descended, or inherited, in regular succession; handed down, traditional:—karm-bhūmi, s.f. 'The land or region of religious actions,' an epithet of Bharata, Airāvata, and Videha;—karam-bhog, s.m. The fulfilling of destiny; experiencing the consequences of actions:—karm-pradhān kriyā, s.f. A passive verb:—karam phūṭnā(-kā), Fate to prove adverse, to be unfortunate, have bad luck:—karam-phoṛ, adj. 'Marring (one's) destiny,' unfortunate:—karam ṭhoknā(apnā), To bewail (one's) fate or lot:—karam jāgnā(-kā), (One's) fortune or luck to take a favourable turn, to be in luck:—karam-ćārī, s.m. An inferior officer to collect the revenue from a certain division of a village, a village accountant:—karm-ćyut, adj. & s.m. Dismissed, or a person dismissed, from office:—karmdushṭ, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Corrupt in action, wicked in practice, immoral, disreputable;—a low, immoral person:—karm-rekhā, vulg. karam-rekhā, or karam-rekh, s.f. The mark or line of fate, any mark on the body by which one's fortune is ascertainable; destiny, fate, fortune:—karm-siddhi, s.f. Accomplishment of an act, success; efficiency:—karm-śuddha, s.m. Approved occupation:—karm-śūr, adj. & s.m. Assiduous, laborious, painstaking;—a skilful or clever workman:—karm-śīl, vulg. karam-sīl, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Assiduous, laborious, industrious, persevering;—an industrious person, etc.:—karm-śīlatā, s.f. or karm-śīlatva, s.m. Assiduity, industry, perseverance;—karm-kār, s.m. Worker, workman, artisan, mechanic; a blacksmith; a bull:—karm-kārak, s.m. (in Gram.) The accusative case:—karm-kārak (f. -ikā), andkarm-kārī(f. -iṇī), adj. & s.m. Doing any act or work, working, carrying on a business; operative, effectual;—a worker, workman, agent, operative:—karam-kālikhā, s.m. 'What is marked or written by fate,' destiny, etc. (=karm-rekhā):—karm-kāṇḍ, s.m. The body of religious ceremonies commanded by Hindūlaw or established by custom, that department of the Veda which relates to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites:—karam-kāheṭā, adj. & s.m. Rendered low or vile by fate, unfortunate, miserable,wretched;—an unlucky wight, etc.:—karm-kartā, s.m. (f. -trī), s.m. An agent, attorney, ambassador; a locum tenens; a Hindūpriest:—karm-guṇ, s.m. Any property resulting from human acts:—karma-mīmāṅsā, s.f. The prior or practical division of the Mīmāṅsāphilosophy (so called because it relates to works, or religious observances undertaken for specific works; it may be described as a critical commentary on the first or ritual portion of the Veda):—karm-nāśā, vulg. karam-nāsā, s.f. Name of a river between Benares and Bihār (so. called because contact with its water is supposed to destroy the merit of works):—karm-nivāćak kriyā, s.f. A passive verb:—karm-vāćak saṅgyā, s.f. A verbal noun indicating the object;—the past passive participle:—karm-vāćya kriyā, s.f. A passive verb:—karm-vipāk, s.m. lit.'The ripening of actions'; the good or evil consequences in this life of human acts performed in previous births; the consequences of actions:—karm-hīn, adj. & s.m. Luckless, unfortunate, wretched;—a luckless wight, etc.:—karm-yug, s.m. The fourth and present age ofthe world, the iron age (syn. kali-yug):—karmendriya (˚ma+in˚), s.m. An organ of action (opp. to buddhīndriyaor 'perceptive organs of sense'; five are reckoned,viz.the hand, the foot, the larynx or organ of the voice, the organ of generation, and the anus).