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कृंण kr̤ishṇa, vulg. kr̤ishṇ, adj. (f. -ā), & s.m. Black, dark, dark blue;—the colour dark blue, or black; the black antelope; black pepper; the dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon (see kr̤ishṇ-paksh); the plant Nigella indica; the plant Carissa carandas; the eighth and most celebrated of the ten incarnations of the god Vishṇu, the god Kr̤ishṇ(the Apollo of the Hindūs):—kr̤ishṇārpan (˚na+ar˚), adj. & s.m. Offered up to Kr̤ishṇ;—a grant of land to a temple or to a Brāhman as an offering to Kr̤ishṇ:—kr̤ishṇāśrit (˚ṇa+āś˚), adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Devoted to Kr̤ishṇ;—a votary of Kr̤ishṇ:—kr̤ishṇāvās (˚ṇa+āv˚), 'The abode of Kr̤ishṇ,' the holy fig-tree, Ficus religiosa:—kr̤ishṇāvatār (˚ṇa+av˚), s.m. Any incarnation (avatār) of Kr̤ishṇor of Vishṇu:—kr̤ishṇ-paksh, vulg. kr̤ishṇ-pakhor paććh, s.m. The dark half of a month, the fifteen days during which the moon is on the wane:—kr̤ishṇ-pakshī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), A nickname for the bastard child of a Hindūby a woman of a different caste:—kr̤ishṇ-phal, s.m. A fruit-tree, the Carinda; also its fruit:—kr̤ishṇ-tāmra, s.m. A kind of sandalwood of a dusky copper hue:—kr̤ishṇ-jaṭā, s.f. Indian spikenard, Andropogon nardus:—kr̤ishṇ-jīrak, orkr̤ishṇ-jīrā, s.m. Kalongī, a plant having a small black seed, which is used for medical and culinary purposes, Nigella indica, or N. sativa:—kr̤ishṇ-ćaraṇ, orkr̤ishṇ-ćūrā, s.m. The plant Poinciana (or Cœsalpinia) pulcherrima:—kr̤ishṇ-ćandraor -ćand, s.m. An epithet of Kr̤ishṇ; a proper name:—kr̤ishṇa-dvaipāyan, s.m. A name of Vyāsa, considered as the compiler of the Vedas and Purāṇas (so named because of his dark complexion, and because he was brought forth by Satyavatīon a dvīpaor island in the Ganges):—kr̤ishṇ-sāraṅg, or kr̤ishṇ-śār, vulg. kr̤ishṇ-sāror sārā, s.m. (f. -ā, or -ī), The black antelope:—kr̤ishṇ-lavaṇ, s.m. A kind of black salt, a factitious salt (either that prepared by evaporation from saline soil, or the medicinal kind, called biṭ-lavan), a muriate of soda with a portion of sulphur and iron:—kr̤ishṇ-loh, s.m. The loadstone:—kr̤ishṇamurāri (˚ra+ari), s.m. An epithet of Kr̤ishṇas the enemy of the Daitya Mura:—kr̤ishṇ-may, adj. Full or composed of Kṛishṇ.
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