kursī, s.f. A chair, seat, stool; chair of state, throne; bench (of a judge); the eighth (or, according to some, the ninth) heaven, the crystalline or the empyrean heaven (as being the supposed throne of God); the base of a pillar; a pedestal; a raised foundation, a plinth;—genealogy;—name of a place within about fourteen miles of Lakhnau (Lucknow), the inhabitants of which are said to be foolish or mad:—kursīdenā(-ko), To give a chair (to); to give plinth or elevation (to):—kursī-kāaḥmaq, s.m. An arrant blockhead:—kursī-kāhai, 'He is from Kursī,' he is a stupid fellow, or a fool:—kursī-nāma, s.m. A genealogical table or tree:—kursī-nishīn, adj. & s.m. Seated in a chair, enthroned; established in office; fixed, settled down; settled in the mind, verified;—one who is entitled to a chair or seat in a Darbār, one who is entitled to the honour of a chair.
Origin: Arabic