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कांटा kāṅṭā[Prk. कण्टओ; S. कण्टकः], s.m. A thorn, prickle, spine; needle or pricker (of a gun, etc.); a nail (syn. kīl); sting (of a scorpion, etc.); spur (of a cock, etc.), rowel (of a spur); bone (of a fish); quill (of a porcupine); hand (of a watch or clock); a fork (e.g. ćhuṛī-kāṅṭā, 'knife and fork'); a prong; a pitchfork; a type; tongue (of a balance, or a buckle, etc.); bolt (of a lock); a balance having a tongue, small scales (esp. such as are used by goldsmiths); a hook (to hang a thing on; and as in 'hook and eye'); a fish-hook; a hooked instrument (for pulling buckets out of water, etc.); (fig.) a thorn in the side, a hateful person, a troublesome fellow, a pest, plague; erection of the hairs of the body (from joy, fear, etc.), horripilation; dryness, or roughness, or eruption (on the tongue, or the body, after fever, etc.); a disease in the throat of birds; (in Arith.) a cross drawn to prove a multiplication sum; proving, proof (of a sum);—a kind of fire-work (a large hollow species of thorn filled with powder);—viscosity, stickiness, adhesiveness (e.g. ćāshnī-kākāṅṭā); congelation, or crystal (of candy, etc.):—kāṅṭā ḍālnā(-meṅ), To let down a hook or a hooked instrument (into a well, etc. in order to fish up anything):—kāṅṭā-sākhaṭaknā, v.n. To prick as a thorn; to rankle (in):—kāṅṭā-sānikal-jānā, v.n. 'To be taken out as a thorn'; to be freed from distress, or pain, or injury:—kāṅṭākarnā(-kā), To prove (a sum) by means of a cross (kāṅṭā):—kāṅṭāmārnā(-ko), To strike with its prickles or fins (a fish):—kāṅṭā-mǒḥarrir, s.m. A clerk who notes and registers weighments:—kāṅṭānikālnā(-kā), To extricate (one's) thorn (from, -se); to afford relief (to one in pain):—kāṅṭāhonā, v.n. 'To become like a thorn,' to become lean, become as thin as a broom-stick:—kāṅṭe-bāz, s.m. One who makes scales:—kāṅṭe bonā, v.n. 'To plant thorns'; to prepare distress or misfortune for oneself; to sow troubles or dissensions:—kāṅṭe-dār, adj. Thorny, prickly; bristly; (in Bot.) mucronate; hispid:—kāṅṭoṅ-par (or -meṅ) ghasīṭnā(-ko), To drag upon (or among) thorns; to distress (one) by excessive attentions or compliments, or by unmerited or undue eulogy, etc.:—kāṅṭoṅ-par (or -meṅ) loṭnā, To roll on (or in) thorns; to be in great pain or distress, etc.:—kāṅṭoṅ-dār, adj.=kāṅṭe-dār, q.v.:—kāṅṭoṅ-kāćūā, s.m. (local) The urchin or hedgehog, Erinaceus setosus:—kāṅṭon-kāsūar, s.m. (local) A porcupine,hystrix.
Origin: Hindi

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