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काम kāma, vulg. kām, s.m. Inclination, wish, desire, longing, inordinate desire; affection, love, passion; sexual passion; lust; love of pleasure; the object of desire or love; the god of love, the HindūCupid; (he is also the lord of the tithior lunar days; and hence, in Hindūpoetry,) a symbol for the number thirteen:—kāmātur (˚ma+āt˚), adj. (f. -ā), Lovesick, in love, enamoured (of), affected by love or desire; agitated or distracted by lust, lustful, libidinous:—kāmāturatva, s.m., or kāmāturatā, s.f. Lust, libidinousness, sensuality:—kāmārt (˚ma+ār˚), adj. (f. -ā) Afflicted by love or passion, in love, love-sick; libidinous:—kāmārthī(˚ma+ar˚), adj. Amorous; lascivious, wanton;—s.m. One who carries baskets filled with Ganges water to distant places:—kāmāri, vulg. kāmārū, and kām-ari (˚ma+ari), s.m. 'The foe or conqueror of the god of love,' an epithet of Śiva or Mahādev;—a mineral substance used in medicine, a sort of pyrites:—kāmāsakt (˚ma+ās˚), adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Overcome with desire or passion, impassioned, in love; under the power of lust;—an amorous person; a libidinous person:—kāmāndh (˚ma+an), adj. (f. -ā), Blinded by passion or lust; under the influence of conjugal desire:—kām-priya, adj. (f. -ā), Lust-loving, libidinous:—kām-taru, s.m. The god of love considered as a tree or parasitical plant; a fabulous tree of Indra's paradise said to yield whatever may be wished:—kāma-da, vulg. kāmad, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Granting desires;—one who grants or fulfils desire; an epithet of Kām-dev:—kām-dā-gā`o, s.f. A fabulous cow, the cow of plenty (=kām-dhenu, q.v.):—kām-dugh, or kām-duh, adj. (f. -ā), 'Milking all desires,' i.e. yielding every wish:—kām-duhā, s.f. The cow of plenty (=kāmdhenu):—kām-dhenu, vulg.kām-dhenor dhain, s.f. The cow of plenty, a fabulous cow belonging to Indra said to have been produced at the churning of the ocean, and to yield whatever may be requested of her;—a cow that gives much milk:—kām-devor kām-deo, s.m. The god of love, the HindūCupid (he was the son of Vishnu by Rukminī, and the husband of Ratīor Venus):—kām-rāj, s.m. The sowthistle, Sonchus:—kām-rūp, adj. & s.m. Taking any shape at will; beautiful, pleasing (=kāmrūpin, or kām-rūpī);—name of a district lying to the east of Bengal, the western portion of Assam:—kām-rūpin, or kām-rūpī, adj. & s.m. (f. -iṇī), Taking any shape at will;—pleasing, beautiful, lovely;—one who is able to change shape or appearance at will;—a beautiful person; a pleasing or lovely object;—kām-rupī, adj. & s.m. Of or belonging to the district of Kāmrūp;—a native of Kāmrūp:—kām-svarūp, adj. Of the nature of Kām or Cupid:—kām-kār, s.m. Voluntary action, spontaneous deed; free will:—kām-kr̤it, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Having effected (one's) desire;—one who has accomplished his object:—kām-keli, or kām-kel, s.m. Amorous sport or dalliance; coition:—kāma-ga, vulg. kāmag, or kāma-gam, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Going or coming of one's own accord or at will, able to move or act as one pleases;—a lascivious or libidinous person:—kāma-gā, s.f. A libidinous woman:—kām-latā, s.f. Membrum virile;—name of a famous woman, a heroine of romance (see latā-kām);—the ornamental climbing plantIpomæa quamoelit:—kām-vant, adj. & s.m. (fem. -vatī), Loving; amorous, wanton;—a loving person:—kām-vatī, s.f. A loving woman:—kāmod, s.m. orkāmodā, s.f. (˚ma+ud˚), Name of a rāginīor musical mode sung at night:—kāmodak (˚ma+ud˚), s.m. A voluntary oblation of water; oblation of water to deceased friends, etc. exclusive of those for whom it is directed by law.
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