qiyāmat (for A. قیامة , fr. qiyām, q.v.), s.f. The resurrection, the last day;—confusion, commotion, tumult, uproar, extraordinary to-do; anything extraordinary; a scene of trouble or distress; a great calamity; excess;—adj. & adv. Wonderful; excessive, very great; heavy, grievous, oppressive;—wonderfully; excessively, extremely, very:—qiyāmat uṭhāna, or qiyāmat bar-pākarnā, or qiyāmat maćānā, v.n. To raise a commotion, etc.; to make a terrible to-do, etc.:—qiyāmat toṛnā(-par), To let troubles, etc. like those of the resurrection loose (upon), to bring calamity (upon); to practise great oppression (upon), to oppress grievously:—qiyāmat ṭūṭnā(-par), The resurrection to break (upon); a great calamity to befall:—qiyāmat karnā, v.n. To raise a tumult, etc. (=qiyāmat uṭhāna);—to practise oppression (upon, -par), to oppress (=qiyāmat toṛnā);—to do something wonderful, to achieve wonders.
Origin: Persian