qaul (inf. n. of قول 'to speak; to say,' etc.), s.m. Speech, word, saying, dictum; assertion, declaration, affirmation; promise, agreement, stipulation, compact, consent, acquiescence; vow, resolve;—a kind of song:—qaul toṛnā(apnā), To break (one's) word or promise, etc.:—qaul denā(-ko), To pledge (one's) word (to); to promise; to vow, etc. (syn. baćan denā):—qaul-se phirnā(with gen.), To go back from (one's) word, to break one's word or promise:—qaul-qarār, s.m. Mutual agreement, compact, contract, bargain, convention, treaty, league:—qaul-qarār karnā(-se), To make an agreement or compact (with), to stipulate, covenant; to make terms (with); to bind by contract:—qaul-qalbāna, s.m. A kind of song:—qaul-kāpūrā, or qaul-kāsaććā, adj. True to (one's) word, faithful to an engagement, etc.:—qaul-kā ćhallā, s.m. A finger-ring representing two hands joined together:—qaul karnā(-se), To pledge one's word (to); to make an agreement (with), etc. (=qaul-qarār karnā):—qaul lenā(-kā), To take (one's) promise; to obtain the promise or consent, etc. (of):—qaul-nāma, s.m. A written agreement; a treaty, articles (of peace, etc.;—syn. iqrārnāma, q.v.):—qaul-o-fě’l, s.m. Word and deed:—qaul hārnā(-ko), To pledge (one's) word (to), to promise; to agree; to make terms;—to break (one's) word or promise:—qaul-hīqaul, s.m. A simple declaration or affirmation; mere word or words:—ba-qaul (-ke), According to the saying or dictum (of).
Origin: Arabic