qawā’id, s.m. pl. (of qā’ida, q.v.), Rules, canons; regulations; bases, principles; rules (of procedure, as distinguished from substantive law); grammatical rules, grammar; articles (of religion); military exercises or manœuvres, evolutions of troops; parade; drill:—qawā’idu’l-mubtadī, s.m. A grammar for beginners, an elementary grammar:—qawā’id-dān, adj. & s.m. Well versed in grammar:—drilled; disciplined;—one who is well versed in the rules of grammar, etc.:—qawā’id denā, v.n. To undergo drill; to be drilled or exercised:—qawā’id sikhānā(-ko), To teach (recruits) the drill exercise, to drill (soldiers):—qawā’id karnā, v.n. To practise military evolutions, etc.; to be drilled, or exercised:—qawā’id-gāh, s.f. A place for drill, etc.; a parade-ground:—qawā’id lenā(-se), To drill (soldiers).
Origin: Arabic