qalam (fr. qalm, 'paring,' inf. n. of قلم ; cf. Gr. κάλαµος; Lat. calamus, and culmus; S. कलम), s.m. & f. A reed; reed-pen, pen; a pencil; a painter's brush;—an engraving tool;—a mode of writing, character, handwriting;—s.f. Cuttings (of trees, etc., for planting), a set, a slip; a section, paragraph (of a chapter in a book);—the upper part of the beard tapering to a point; a kind of firework;—a crystal (as of salts);—qalam uṭhā-kar likhnā, or qalam bardāshta likhnā, To write offhand:—qalam-andāz, adj. lit. 'Throwing away the pen'; neglecting (to write); omitting (in writing);—qalam-andāz karnā, v.t. To omit, leave out (in writing):—qalam banānā, To make or mend a pen;—to shave the upper part of the beard:—qalamband, adj. Penned, noted down, written, written out or down; inserted, entered, recorded, registered; taken into account:—qalam-band karnā, v.t. To take down in writing, to commit to writing, to write; to note down, make an entry of, book, enter, insert;—qalam-band honā, v.n. To be written, to be taken down in writing, etc.:—qalam-bandī, s.f. Insertion, entry; enrolling, enlisting; a writing of distinct heads and items (as a code of instructions, or the articles of an agreement, or a settlement, etc.); signing an agreement; signature:—qalam-pāk, s.m. A pen-wiper:—qalam phernā(-par), To draw the pen (through), to strike out; to obliterate, erase; to cancel:—qalam-tarāsh, s.f. A pen-knife: qalam-jārī, s.f. Enrolling, enlisting, levying of forces:—qalam jārīrahnā(-kī), 'One's pen to continue to run'; to continue in office or authority:—qalam ćalānā, 'To drive the pen,' to write:—qalam-dān, s.m. Pen-case, pen-and-ink-case, a standish; the ensign of the viziership;—qalam-dān denā(-ko), 'To give the pen-case' (to); to confer a post (upon);—to raise to the dignity of vizier or minister:—qalamdawāt, Pen and ink or inkstand:—qalam-rav or rau, s.m., or qalam-ravīor rau`o, s.f. Empire, dominion, domain, territories, sovereignty, jurisdiction:—qalam-kār, s.m. A writer; an engraver; a painter:—qalam-kārī, s.f. Writing; engraving; painting; the art of engraving, etc.;—workmanship;—a species of flowered calico or chintz:—qalam karnā, v.t. To cut; to cut off; to prune:—qalam-kashī, s.f. Writing, calligraphy:—qalam khaiṅćnā= qalam phernā, or qalam mārnā:—qalam lagānā(-meṅ), To plant or set down slips or cuttings; to graft (in):—qalam mārnā(-par), To draw the pen through or across, to obliterate:—qalam yārī denā, (One's) pen to befriend, or stand in good stead; to live by (one's) pen:—qalameṅ(vulg. qalmeṅ) ćhoṛnā(-meṅ), To leave some hairs in the upper part of the beard:—parkār-kīqalam, s.f. Bow-compasses:—yak-qalam, adv. With one stroke of the pen; at once. T قلماق qilmāq, or qalmāq, s.m. A Calmuc Tartar.
Origin: Arabic