qalaī(for A. qalī, rel. n. fr. qal, 'a mine'), s.f. Tin;—a coating of tin given to culinary vessels, etc.; the application of such coating;—whitewashing;—plating, gilding;—varnish; gloss:—qalaīur-jānā, or qalaījātīrahnā(-kī), The tin coating (of a culinary or other vessel) to be worn off or effaced:—qalaī-ćaṭ, s.m. (colloq.) A cant term for the son of a tinman:—qalaī-kā ćūnā, s.m. Stonelime:—qalaī-kākushta, s.m. Calx of tin; putty:—qalaīkarnā(-par), To coat (vessels) with tin, to tin; to whitewash; to apply a wash of gold or silver (to), to plate, gild:—qalaīkhulnāor khul-jānā, or qalāīukhaṛnā(-kī), The gilding, etc. to come off (from); the varnish or gloss (of a thing, etc.) to fade; the disguise (of anyone) to be removed; one's real qualities to be laid bare; to be exposed or unmasked;—qala`o kholnā(-kī), To remove or open out the gilding or plating, etc. (of); to lay bare the real qualities (of), to expose, unmask:—qalaī-gar, s.m. A tinner of pots and pans; a tinman:—qalaī-garī, s.f. The business of tinning pots and pans.
Origin: Hindi