qalb (inf. n. of قلب 'to invert, turn over or upside down,' etc.), s.m. Turning, changing; turning over or upside down, inverting; inversion;—the heart; the mind; the secret thoughts; the soul; the intellect, intelligence, understanding;—the main body (of an army);—the pure, or choice, or best part (of anything), pith, marrow, kernel;—counterfeit coin;—adj. Inverted; adulterated, counterfeit, bad;—significant of operations of the mind (a verb, e.g. fě’lu’l-qalb, or fě’l-ě-qalb);—strongly fortified, impregnable:—qalb-sāz, s.m. A maker of counterfeit coin, a counterfeit-coiner:—qalbsāzī, s.f. Making counterfeit coin:—qalb karnā, v.t. To turn over, to invert, to turn:—qalb-gāh, s.f. Place of the heart; the middle; the middle or centre (of an army).
Origin: Arabic