qaā(inf. n. of قضی 'to decree; to appoint,' etc.), s.f. Divine decree, predestination; fate, destiny; fatality; death; decree, mandate, judgment, order, charge, edict; office, or sentence (of a judge); judicature; jurisdiction, diocese; administration of justice; performance, fulfilment (of a duty, etc.); prayer repeated at the appointed time;—saying a prayer after the time appointed for it is passed; making up for the omission of an appointed duty (as a prayer, or a fast):—qaāadākarnā, or qaābharnā(-kī), To make up for the omission (of an appointed religious duty):—qaāpahnā, To pray again, or to say extra prayers (in order to make up for a former omission):—qaā-ě-ḥājat, s.f. Performance of a work of necessity, going to the necessary:—qaārakhnā(-ko) = qaāadākarnā, q.v.:—qaā-rā, adv.=qaā-kār, q.v.:—qaā-ě-’umrī, s.f. Repeating extra prayers to make up for prayers omitted in the former part of one's life; extra prayers:—qaā-kār, or qaā-rā, or qaā'inda’l-lāh, or qaāli’l-lāh, adv. 'By the operation of the divine decree, or by the action of fate'; providentially; by chance; it so happened that:—qaākarnā(-kī), To omit the performance (of a religious duty); to make up for a former omission (of a religious duty);—to die:—qaā-ě-mubram, s.f. Inevitable fate:—qaā-ě-nāgahānī, s.f. Sudden death:—qaā-oqadr, s.f. Fate; predestination; the angels who preside over destiny, the recording angels.
Origin: Arabic