īd (v.n. fr. عود 'to return,' etc.), s.f. A periodical festival, a festival, feast-day, holyday; the Mohammadan Easter (=īdu’l-fitr); great festivity and rejoicing, festivity, revelry:—īd-ě-usbū, Pentecost:—īd-ě-aḥā, or īdu'—-ǒḥā, or īdu’l-qurbān, The festival of victims orsacrifices (held on the tenth of the monthu’l-ḥijja, in commemoration of Abraham's offering up his son Isaac, or Ishmael, according to the Mohammadans):—īd-ě-ṣagīr, 'The lesser īd= īdu’l-fitr, The festival of the breaking of the fast (after Ramazān):—īd-kāćāṅd honāor ho-jānā, 'To become (as) the moon of īd,' to be rarely seen:—īd-gāh, s.f. An enclosed place (outside a town) where the appropriate service is held on the festivals of īdand baqar-īd, etc.:—baqar-īd, s.f. = īdu--ǒḥā, q.v. (and seebaqar).
Origin: Arabic