’iwa(inf. n. of عوض 'to give (one) a substitute,' etc.), s.m. & postpn. A substitute; a thing given, or received (or put, or done) instead of, or in lieu of, or in exchange for (another thing); a succedaneum; an exchange, a compensation, an amends, a return, recompense, requital, retaliation, retribution; penalty, forfeit;—as a substitute (for, -ke), instead (of), in place (of), in lieu (of), in exchange (for), in return (for), etc.:—’iwa denā(-ko), To pay compensation (to), to reimburse, to make amends or a return (to):—’iwa lenā(-se), To exact retribution or revenge (from), to take satisfaction or revenge (syn. badlālenā):—’iwa-mu’āwaaormu’āwa, s.m. Interchange, exchange, barter:—’iwa-meṅ, or ba’iwa, adv. As a substitute (for, -ke), in lieu (of), in exchange (for), in return, in satisfaction, as compensation or indemnity; mutatis mutandis; in supersession (of).
Origin: Arabic