’inda, vulg. ’ind, prep. At, near, nigh, about; by, close by; with, present with; in the presence of; at the place of; at the time of; among, amongst; at, on, upon; according to (it occurs only in composition):—’inda’l-istifsār, On or during interrogation, upon inquiry, or investigation:—’inda’l-ba, According to some:—’inda’l-tajwīz, Under consideration, pending trial or investigation, before the court:—’inda’t-taḥqīq, In truth, certainly:—’inda’t-taḥqīqāt= ’inda’l-istifsār, q.v.:—’inda’t-tadāruk, At the time of applying a remedy; on the disposing of a case (in a court of justice):—’indas-subūt, On proof; on conviction:—’inda-arūrat, In time of need, when required or demanded, on occasion of necessity:—’inda’l-talab, On demand:—’inda’l-fursat, Opportunely, on the occasion:—’inda’l-lāh, With, or before, God; for God:—’inda’l-mulāqāt, At, or during, the interview:—’inda’l-wuṣūl, On the arrival (of); on receipt; when it happens; in such an event:—’inda’lwaqt, In time, at the proper time; on occasion, in the critical juncture:—’inda’l-wuqū, On the occurrence of the event,when it happens, in such an event.
Origin: Arabic