z̤ulm (inf. n. of ظلم 'to act wrongfully,' etc.), s.m. Wrong, wrong-doing, injustice, oppression, tyranny; exaction, extortion; violence, outrage, injury; grievance, hardship; a heavy burden, a heavy assessment:—z̤ulmpesha, adj. & s.m. Practising tyranny, tyrannical;—one whose business is tyranny, a tyrant, an oppressor:—z̤ulm ḍhānā(-par), To practise excessive oppression (on):—z̤ulmrasīda, adj. & s.m. Oppressed;—one who is oppressed, a victim of tyranny (syn. maz̤lūm):—z̤ulm-shě`ār, adj. & s.m.=z̤ulmpesha:—z̤ulm karnā(-par), To practise oppression or tyranny (on), to oppress, to tyrannize (over), to do wrong (to), to wrong, injure; to practise extortion or exaction (on):—z̤ulm-kesh, adj. & s.m.=z̤ulm-shě`ār, and z̤ulmpesha, q.v.:—z̤ulm-gudāzī, s.f. 'Dissolving of oppression,' putting an end to oppression or injustice.
Origin: Arabic