पट् shaṭ(used for shashbefore hard letters; and euphon. changed to shaḍbefore soft letters), adj. Six:—shaḍ-aṅg, s.m. The six parts of the body (viz.the arms, the legs, the head, and the waist);—the six auxiliary or supplementary branches (aṅg) of sacred science (i.e. Grammar; Prosody; Pronunciation; the meanings of unusual terms; Astronomy; and the ritual of the Hindūreligion);—a set of six particular articles of offering at the first oblation of rice, etc. to the manes of deceased ancestors:—shaḍ-ānan, and vulg. shaṭ-ānan, adj. & s.m. Six-faced;—an epithet of Kārttikeya, the son of Śiva and god of war:—shaṭ-pad, adj. & s.m. Six-footed;—a bee; a louse:—shaṭ-padikā, s.f. A species of metre:—shaṭ-ćaraṇ, adj. & s.m.=shaṭ-pad, q.v.:—shaṭ-r̤itu, s.m. The six seasons (see r̤itu);—shaḍ-ras, vulg. shaṭ-ras, s.m. The six flavours or tastes (see ras):—shaḍ-darśan, vulg. shaṭ-darśan, and shaṇ-darśan, s.m. The six systems of philosophy (=shaṭ-śāstr, q.v.);—a man who is versed in the six systems of philosophy:—shaṭ-śāstr, s.m. The six philosophical systems of the Hindūs (viz.the Nyāya; the Vaiśeshika; theMīmāṅsā; the Vedānta; the Sāṅkhya; and the Pāṭanjala):—shaṭ-karmā, s.m. pl. The six acts or duties enjoined on a Brāhmaṇ(viz.teaching the Vedas, holy study, offering sacrifices, conducting them for others, giving and accepting gifts);—the six acts allowable to a Brāhmaṇfor subsistence (viz.gleaning, accepting gifts, asking alms, agriculture, trade, tending cattle, or, according to some, lending money at interest);—six acts that may be performed by means of magical texts as taught in the Tantras (viz.killing, infatuating, enthralling, expelling, exciting animosity, and the stopping or privation of any faculty);—a Brāhmaṇskilled in the above six acts; an adept in the Tantra magical rites:—shaṭ-koṇ, or shaṭ-konā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Hexangular;—a hexagon, any six-angled figure; the thunderbolt of Indra:—shaḍ-guṇ, adj. & s.m. Six-fold, six times;—an assemblage of six qualities or properties:—shaṭ-mukh (prop. shaṇ-mukh), adj. & s.m.=shaḍ-ānan, q.v.:—shaḍ-mātra (prop. shaṇ-mātra), adj. (f. -ī), Containing six mātras:—shaḍ-vadan, vulg. shaṭ-vadan, adj. & s.m.=shaḍ-ānan, q.v.:—shaḍ-vidh, adj. Of six kinds or descriptions; six-fold, six times; in six ways:—shaḍ-viṅśati, adj. f. Twenty-six:—shaḍ-viṅśatitam, adj. (f. -ī), The twenty-sixth.