shikasta (perf. part. of shikastan; see shikast), part. Broken; defeated, routed; carried away (by inundation, as river-banks, etc.); reduced to straits; bankrupt; sick; wounded; weak, infirm;—s.m. 'Broken writing,' the Persian running hand:—shikasta-bāl, adj. 'Broken-winged'; broken down, reduced to straits, distressed, afflicted, wretched:—shikasta-bālī, s.f. Distress, affliction, wretchedness:—shikasta-pā, adj. 'Having the legs broken'; infirm, broken down, reduced:—shikasta-pā`ī, s.f. Infirmity, wretchedness:—shikasta-par, adj.=shikasta-bāl, q.v.:—shikasta-āl, adj. Broken-down, in bad plight, distressed, indigent, wretched, ruined:—shikasta-ālī, s.f. Bad condition or circumstances, reverse of fortune, indigence, distress, wretchedness:—shikasta-ātir, adj. Distressed in mind, afflicted; grieved, offended:—shikasta-dil, adj. Broken-hearted, distressed, afflicted:—shikasta-dilī, s.f. Brokenheartedness, distress, affliction:—shikastarang, adj. Altered in colour (from affliction):—shikasta-wa`da, adj. & s.m. By whom engagements are broken, faithless;—one who breaks his engagements, etc.
Origin: Persian