ौाƨ śrāddha, vulg. śrāddh, and sarādh, adj. Faithful, believing;—s.m. A kind of funeral rite or ceremony in honour of the departed spirits of deceased relatives observed at various fixed periods and on occasions of rejoicing as well as mourning (it consists of offerings with water and fire to the gods and manes, and of food and gifts to the relatives present and to the Brāhmas assisting; and is believed essential to the ascent of departed spirits to a world appropriated to the manes and to their residence there); the gifts presented on the occasion of the observance of the ceremony described above:—śrāddh-dev, s.m. Any god presiding over funeral rites; a Viśva-dev; Yam (lord of the dead); Manu Vaivasvat (brother of Yam):—śrāddh-devmanu, s.m. An epithet of Manu Vaivasvat (=śrāddh-dev).