शुभ śubha, vulg. śubh, and subh, adj. (f. -ā), Bright, shining, splendid; handsome, beautiful; auspicious, fortunate, lucky, happy; well, right, good, virtuous; eminent, distinguished; learned, versed (esp. in the Vedas);—s.m. Anything bright or beautiful; auspiciousness, good fortune, happiness, good, welfare, prosperity;—name of one of the astrological yogas:—śubhāćār (˚bha+āć˚), adj. & s.m. Pure in practices or observances, wellbehaved, virtuous;—a well-behaved or virtuous person:—śubhāśubh (˚bha+aś˚), adj. (f. -ā) & s.m. Prosperous and unfortunate, good and evil, good or wicked;—good and bad fortune, weal and woe:—śubhāṅg (˚bha+an˚), adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Handsome-limbed, beautifully formed, handsome, elegant;—a handsome person:—śubh-phal, s.m. Auspicious result, good or happy consequence:—śubh-ćāl, s.f. Good behaviour, virtuous conduct:—śubh-ćintak, s.m. (f. -ā, -ikā, or -ī), One whose thoughts are excellent; a well-wisher, friend:—śubha-da, vulg. śubhad, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Granting happiness, propitious, auspicious;—a benefactor:—śubh-dānī, śubh-dā`ī, or śubhdāyak, adj. & s.m.=śubha-da, q.v.:—śubh-datt, s.m. An excellent or auspicious gift;—the recipient of an auspicious gift:—śubh-dantī, s.f. The female elephant of the north-west quarter:—śubh-dhvani, s.m. A glorious or a pleasing sound:—śubh-sā`at, s.f. Auspicious moment, lucky time:—śubh-śīl, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Having a good disposition, well-disposed, good-natured;—a good-natured person:—śubhkārak, śubh-kārī, adj.=śubhaṅ-kar, q.v.:—śubhkāl, s.m. A good season or time; a virtuous epoch; a favourable opportunity:—śubh-kar, adj. =subhaṅ-kar, q.v.:—śubh-karm, s.m. An auspicious action; a good or virtuous act; reputable occupation or employment:—śubhaga, vulg. śubhag, adj. Going well or beautifully, graceful, elegant; fortunate, propitious, auspicious:—śubh-grah, s.m. An auspicious planet, a lucky star:—śubh-guṇ, s.m. Excellent quality, virtue;—śubh-guṇ-sadan, s.m. 'The mansion of excellent qualities,' an epithet of Ganeś(and of other deities):—śūbh-lagn, s.m. The rising of an auspicious constellation; a lucky moment:—śubh-muhūrt, s.m. An auspicious moment:—śubhaṅ-kar, adj. Causing welfare, producing good, conferring happiness or fortune; auspicious, propitious; prosperous, lucky;—s.m. An accountant; arithmetician.