सोंठ soṅṭh, सूंठ sūṅṭh [Prk. सुंठी; S. शुिण्ठः], s.f. Dry ginger;—(ironic.) a thing of value, a precious thing (in this sense, considered by some to be a contrac. of sunoṭh or sunoṭ, 'gold-like,' which is prob. a corr. of S. suvarṅa-vat); (met.) a miser, niggard (cf. sanṭh):—soṅṭh-pānī, s.m. A mixture of dried ginger, ground cumin seed, etc. (used as a digestive;—syn. zīre-kāpānī):—soṅṭh-panjīrī, s.f. A caudle of dry ginger, etc. (given to puerperal women):—soṅṭh-rā`e, s.m. Prince of misers; Miser, esq.:—soṅṭh-kī-sīnās le rahnā, To endure or suffer patiently; to wait patiently:—soṅṭh-kīnās na lenā, To be very covetous:—suhāg-soṅṭh, Dry ginger mixed with sugar, etc. (for the use of puerperal women).
Origin: Hindi