सोम soma, vulg. som, s.m. The moonplant, Sarccstema viminalis, or Asclepias acida; the acid juice of this plant (prescribed to be drunk at sacrifices); nectar, the beverage of the gods; ambrosia; water; the moon; air, wind; camphor; rice-gruel; heaven, sky, ether;—name of a particular mountainous range; name of one of the eight guardian deities (lok-pāl) of the world; an epithet of Kuver; of Yam; and of Monday:—soma-pā, soma-pa, somap, s.m. One who drinks the Soma juice; a Soma sacrificer; the performer of a sacrifice; a Pitri of a particular class (said to be especially the progenitors of the Brāhmans); the manes of the Brāhmans:—som-pātr, s.m. A vessel in which the Soma juice is kept:—som-pān, s.m. The drinking of the soma juice:—som-patr, s.m. A sort of grass, Saccharum cylindricum:—somapītī, s.m. A drinker of the Soma juice:—somtīrth, som-tīrath, s.m. Name of a place of pilgrimage in the west of India:—som-rāj, or som-rājī, s.m. The medicinal plant Serratula (or Vernonia) anthelmintica, black cumin-seed:—soma-ras, s.m. The juice of the moon-plant, soma-juice:—som-nāth, 'Soma's lord, the divinity set up by Soma or the Moon'; name of a celebrated Linga, i.e. columnar emblem of Śiva or Mahādev, or of the place or temple where it was set up (this temple was established in the town of Somnāth-pattan, and was one of the twelve celebrated Linga temples which, in various parts of India, are held in especial veneration; it was so famed for its splendour and enormous wealth, that it attracted the attention of the celebrated Maḥmūd of Gaznī, who, in A.D. 1024, under pretext of destroying its idols, carried off its treasures along with its renowned gates):—som-nāth-pattan, s.m. Name of a town on the western coast of India, in the peninsula of Kattywār and province of Gujerāt (it was celebrated for the temple of Somnāth above described):—som-wār, vulg. som-bār, s.m. Monday:—som-vat, adj. Moon-like; lunar:—som-vatī, s.f. The last day of a dark fortnight falling on a Monday (celebrated as a great festival and bathing-day):—soma-vallari, or soma-vallarī, and soma-vallikā, s.f. The moon-plant, Sarcostema viminalis:—somavallī, s.f. The moon-plant; the shrub Cocculus cordifolius; the medicinal plant Vernonia anthelmintica:—soma-yajna, vulg. som-yagya, s.m. A soma sacrifice, anoffering or libation of the juice of the acid A sclepias.