सूखा sūkhā[Prk. सुक्खओ or सुक्खअं; S. शुंक+कः, rt शुष् ], adj. (f. -ī), Dry, dried, dried up, parched, withered; emaciated, sapless, juiceless; without advantage or profit;—s.m. Dry land, terra firma; a dry year, dry season, drought; dry tobacoo (eaten with betel-leaf); a consumption, atrophy; the croup:—sūkhāpaṛnā, v.n. Drought to occur:—sūkhā ṭālnā, v.t. To send (one) away empty:—sūkhājawāb, s.m. A dry answer; a flat refusal:—sūkhādhān, s.m. A rice-field burnt up by the sun's rays:—sūkhe dhānoṅpānīpaṛnā, lit. 'Rain to fall on dry ricefields'; rain to fall opportunely; to get new life, to be revived:—sūkhālagnā(-ko), To be in a decline, to waste away, become emaciated:—sūkhe-sūkhe, adv. By land (as opp. to water).
Origin: Hindi