सूआम sūkshma, vulg. sūksham, sūććham, adj. (f. -ā), Subtle, minute, atomic, atom-like; little, small;slender, thin, fine, attenuated; delicate, tender; exquisite, refined; nice; sharp, acute; shrill; ingenious; artful, crafty; accurate, correct, exact, precise;—s.m. An atom; fine thread; subtlety; craft, fraud; an epithet of the Supreme Spirit;—the clearing-nut plant:—sūkshma-buddhi, s.f. Sharp wit, acute intellect, mental acumen;—adj. Sharp-witted, witty, acute, shrewd, intelligent, penetrating, ingenious; abstracted:—sūkshma-bodh, s.m. = sūkshma-buddhi:—sūkshma-darśak, and sūkshma-darśī, adj. & s.m. Sharp-sighted, keeneyed; of acute discernment; acute, quick, intelligent;—a sharp-sighted person, an acute person:—sūkshma-śarīr, s.m. (in Philos.) 'The atom-like body,' the subtle body which is invested by, and is the archetype or pattern of, the gross material frame.