समझाना samjhānā, (dialec.) समुझाना samujhānā(caus. of samajhnā), v.t. To cause to know, or understand, or comprehend; to give to understand, to inform, to explain (to), to describe, to account for; to give or render (an account); to impress (on the mind of), to remind; to convince, satisfy; to undeceive; to apologize; toinstruct, to advise, to reason with, to remonstrate or expostulate with, to admonish, to warn; to correct, punish, chastise:—samjhānā-bujhānā, v.t. To explain, to instruct, to admonish, etc. (=samjhānā):—samjhā-denā, v.t. intens. of and = samjhānā.
Origin: Hindi