समान samān, adj. Like, similar, equal, adequate, akin, alike, same, one, uniform; even, level, flat; common, general;—good, virtuous; honoured;—postpn. Similarly (to, -ke), like, like as, equal (to), the same (as), after the manner (of;—as an affix samān = sā, q.v.);—s.m. (f.?), Equality, level, rank;—one of the vital airs (viz. that which is essential to digestion):—samānāntar (˚na + an˚), adj. Parallel:—samānāntar ćatur-bhuj, s.m. A parallelogram:—samān-janmā, adj. Having a common birth or origin; of equal age:—samān-ćit, adj. Of an even or equitable disposition:—samān-rūp-se, adv. Equally, evenly; flatwise:—samān-kā, adj. & s.m. Of the same level or rank;—one of the same level or rank, an equal:—samān-kālik, or samān-kālīn, adj. Of or relating to the same period or time, contemporary; synchronous:—samān karnā, v.t. To make equal, or level, etc.; to proportion:—samānodaka (˚na+ud˚), s.m. lit. 'Having common water oblations'; a kinsman connected by the offering of water to the departed spirits of common ancestors:—samān-vayashk, adj. (f. -āor-ī), Of equal age, of the same age.