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सुख sukh, s.m. Happiness, pleasure, delight, joy, gratification;comfort, solace, ease, tranquillity; prosperity, easy circumstances, contentment; rest, relief, alleviation; easiness;—heaven, paradise;—water;—adj. Happy, joyful, delighted; delightful, agreeable, sweet; easy; virtuous, pious:—sukhārth (˚kha+ar˚), adv. For the sake of happiness, or ease, etc.:—sukhārthī, adj. & s.m. Seeking or wishing for happiness; desirous of ease;—a seeker after happiness; one who is desirous of ease:—sukh-āsan, s.m. An easy chair; a couch; a palanquin:—sukhāsvād (˚kha+ās˚), adj. & s.m. Pleasant-flavoured, agreeable, delightful;—pleasant flavour, pleasantness, enjoyment:—sukh-ālay, s.m. Blissful place, abode of happiness, paradise:—sukh-bās, s.m. Abode of comfort, ease, or happiness (=sukh-dhām):—sukh-bilās, s.m. Enjoyment, pleasure, gaiety:—sukh-bilāsī, s.m. One who devotes himself to enjoyment, a pleasure-seeker:—sukh-bhāg, Good fortune, happiness, bliss:—sukh-bhāgī, adj. & s.m. Fortunate, happy, delighted, in the enjoyment of ease;—a fortunate person, etc.:—sukh-bhog, s.m. The enjoyment ofpleasure:—sukh-bhogī, adj. & s.m. Enjoying pleasure or happiness, luxurious;—a luxurious person, etc.:—sukhpāl, s.m. A kind of palanquin; an easy chair; a couch:—sukh-prāpti, s.f. The attainment or enjoyment of happiness, or ease, etc.:—sukhpra-da, adj.=sukh-da, q.v.:—sukh-pūrvak, vulg. sukh-pūrbak, adv. With ease or pleasure, without difficulty, easily:—sukh-talā, s.m. A piece of leather placed on the sole within a shoe to protect the foot from friction:—sukh-ćain, s.m. Ease, rest, peace, tranquillity; leisure:—sukha-da, vulg. sukhad, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Ease-affording, pleasure-giving, comfortable; salubrious; pleasant; comforting, solacing;—one who (or that which) confers happiness, or affords ease or comfort, etc.; ease-giver, comforter;—an epithet of Vishṇu:—sukh-dā, s.f. A woman who affords happiness;—a courtezan of Indra's heaven:—sukh-dātā, sukhdātr̤i, adj. & s.m.=sukh-da, q.v.:—sukh-dās, s.m. Name of a very superior and delicious kind of rice:—sukh-dān, adj.=sukh-da, q.v.;—s.m. The act of imparting happiness, or comfort, or ease, etc.; beneficence:—sukh-dānī, sukhdāyak, sukh-dā`ī, and sukh-dāyī, adj. & s.m.=sukha-da, q.v.:—sukh-darśan, vulg. sukhdarsan, s.m. The shrub Crinum asiaticum or C. zeylanicum (the juice of which is given for the ear-ache):—sukh-dukh, s.m. Pleasure and pain:—sukh-dhām, s.m. Abode of happiness or tranquillity, etc.; blissful place, paradise:—sukh-dain, adj. Imparting happiness, pleasureyielding;—s.m. Happiness and unhappiness, joy and sorrow, prosperity and poverty:—sukh-rās, s.m. Melodious sound; pleasant speech:—sukhrāśi, vulg. sukh-rāsī, s.m. Accumulation of happiness (an epithet of the Deity):—sukh-ras, s.m. Butter:—sukh-sadhya, adj. Easy to be accomplished, easy of attainment; easy to be cured; easy to be managed or subdued:—sukh-sāgar, s.m. 'Ocean of pleasure'; an epithet of the Bhāgavat Purāṇ; and of any popular deity (as Rāmćandra, etc.):—sukh-sthān, s.m. 'Place of happiness,' an epithet of paradise or heaven:—sukh-sandoh, s.m. 'Accumulation of happiness'; an epithet of the Deity:—sukh-se, adv. In comfort, comfortably, at ease; leisurely:—sukh-śīl, vulg. sukh-sīl, adj. Of a happy or pleasant disposition:—sukh-kārak, sukh-kārī, sukh-kar, adj. & s.m. Causing happiness or pleasure, imparting happiness; generous, benevolent; delightsome;—one who imparts happiness or pleasure, a generous or benevolent man:—sukh karnā, To take rest or repose, to lie down, to sleep:—sukh-lav, s.m. A minute portion of happiness, a trace ofhappiness:—sukh-leś, s.m. A little pleasure, a small portion of happiness, insignificant pleasure:—sukh-may, adj. Consisting of happiness, full of joy or pleasure, blissful, joyous:—sukh-nidhān, s.m. 'Abode of bliss,' an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sukhnīd, or sukh-nīṅd, s.f. Good or sound sleep, refreshing slumber:—sukh-vās, s.m. = sukhbās, q.v.:—sukhopayagī(˚kha+up˚), adj. Contributing to or producing happiness, pleasure, or ease, etc.:—sukhoday (˚kha+ud˚), s.m. The occurrence or the realization of happiness or pleasure:—sukh-vilās, s.m.=sukhbilās, q.v.:—sukheććhā(˚kha+ić˚), s.f. Hope or desire of happiness.