सवर् sarva, vulg. sarv, and sarb, adj. All; every; whole, entire, complete, universal (see sab);—s.m. An epithet of Vishṇu; and of Śiva:—sarvātmā (˚va+āt˚), s.m. The supreme or all-pervading spirit;—all beings collectively:—sarvādarmān, vulg. sarb-ādarmāṅ (˚va+ād˚), adj. Respected or honoured by all:—sarvādhi-kār (˚va+adh˚), s.m. General superintendence or control:—sarvādhikārī, s.m. Head or general superintendent:—sarvārtham (˚va+ar˚), adv. For all, on account of all:—sarvāśray (˚va+āś˚), adj. & s.m. Affording shelter or protection to all;—universal protector, an epithet of Śiva:—sarvāng (˚va+an˚), s.m. The whole body (from head to foot); all the aṅgas or vedāṅgas collectively, all the auxiliary branches of sacred science:—sarvāṅgī, vulg. sarb-angī, adj. Possessing all the limbs or parts, entire, complete, perfect, (in Bot.) polygamous:—sarv-bhāv, s.m. Whole being or nature, entire disposition; all one's thoughts and purposes:—sarv-bhakshor sarvbhakshī, vulg. sarb-bhaćhī, adj. & s.m. Eating all sorts of things, all-devouring, omnivorous;—an omnivorous animal; a goat:—sarv-bhūt, s.m. All beings, all created things; all the elements;—sarv-bhūt-may, adj. Containing all living beings or existences, comprising all elementary matter;—s.m. The supreme allpervading spirit:—sarv-bhūt-vyāpak, s.m. An epithet of the supreme spirit considered as pervading all existences:—sarv-pradhān, s.m. Chief of all; an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-pūrakār, adv. Of all kinds; in all ways:—sarv-priya, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Dear to all, universally beloved; loving all, generally friendly;—a much-loved person; one who is universally beloved;—a much-loving person:—sarv-pavitr, adj. All-holy:—sarv-pūjit, adj. Worshipped by all, universally worshipped; an epithet of Śiva:—sarv-pūrṇaṭā, s.f. Entire fulness or completeness; complete preparation or provision:—sarv-tejas, s.m. All splendour; all power, omnipotence:—sarv-tejo-may, and sarv-tejmān, adj. Consisting of all splendour, all-glorious; containing all power, omnipotent:—sarv-jit, adj. All-conquering, allsubduing, irresistible; all-surpassing, excellent, incomparable;—s.m. An epithet of the twentyfirst of Jupiter's cycle of sixty years:—sarvjagat, s.f.m. The whole world, the universe:—sarva-jna, vulg. sarvagya, sarvag, sarbag, adj. & s.m. All-wise, all-knowing, omniscient;—epithet of Śiva; of a Jina or Buddha deified sage:—sarvu-jnānī, vulg. sarb-gyānī, adj. Omniscient, all-wise:—sarva-jnatā, vulg. sarvagyatā, s.f. Omniscience:—sarv-dātā, s.m. Giver of all things; an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-darśitva, s.m. or sarvdarśitā, s.f. Omniscience:—sarv-darśak, and sarv-darśī, adj. & s.m. All, seeing, omniscient;—an epithet of the Supreme:—sarvdukh-kshay, s.m. Destruction of all pain, final emancipation from separate existence, beatitude:—sarv-daman, adj. & s.m. Allsubduing, all-taming, irresistible;—`all-tamer,' an epithet of Bharat (son of Śakuntalā):—sarvdhārī, adj. & s.m. All-sustaining;—all-holder; epithet of Śiva;—s.f. Epithet of the twentysecond year of Jupiter's cycle of sixty years:—sarv-dhan, s.m. The total amount of (one's) wealth or property; (in Arith.) sum total; sum of a series, sum total of a progression:—sarvdeva-may, adj. Made up of all the gods:—sarvrātr, s.m. The whole night:—sarv-sāmarth, adj. All-powerful, almighty, omnipotent:—sarvsāmarthatā, s.f. All power, omnipotence:—sarv-sāmarthī, adj. All-powerful, omnipotent:—sarv-siḍdhi, s.f. Accomplishment of every object, universal success;—s.m. The vilva or bel tree:—sarv-sarv-nāśak, adj. Mutually destructive:—sarv-sukh, s.m. All happiness, universal happiness; all pleasures:—sarv-sukh-dā`ī, adj. & s.m. Bestowing all or perfect happiness; all-healing; one who bestows or is the source of all happiness, etc.:—sarvsamatā, s.f. Sameness or identity with all things; equal regard for all, impartiality; equanimity:—sarv-saṅćayī, adj. & s.m. Niggardly, miserly;—a niggard, miser:—sarvsaṅgā, s.f. (?) A medley:—sarv-saṅgat, adj. (f. -ā), United with all; met with universally;—sarv-saṅgrā, adj. All-uniting:—sarva-sva, vulg. sarbasu, sarbas, s.m. The whole of a person's property or possessions, one's all, everything; whole substance or essence (of anything);—sarva-sva-danḍ, adj. & s.m. Fined to the extent of one's all;—confiscation of the whole of a property;—sarva-sva-haraṇ, s.m. Seizure or confiscation of the whole of one's property:—sarv-svāmī, s.m. Owner or master of all; universal monarch; epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-sah, adj. (f. -ā), All-enduring, bearing the whole, bearing all things with firmness and patience, very patient;—s.m. Bdellium:—sarv-śaktimān, adj. Almighty, all powerful, omnipotent:—sarv-kārī, s.m. Maker or doer of all things; the Creator:—sarv-kāl, s.m. and adv. All seasons, all times;—for all seasons; at all times:—sarv-kālīn, adj. Of or belonging to all times or seasons, perpetual:—sarvaga, vulg. sarvag, adj. & s.m. Going everywhere; all-pervading, ubiquitous; omnipresent;—spirit, soul; epithet of Brahmā; and of Śiva:—sarv-gat, adj. Going everywhere; universally diffused, all-pervading, omnipresent:—sarv-grās, s.m. lit. 'Swallowing all'; a total eclipse:—sarv-grāsī, adj. & s.m. Alldevouring, omnivorous, rapacious, voracious, greedy;—a voracious or greedy person:—sarvgrahaṇ, vulg. sarb-gahan, s.m. Total eclipse (of the sun or moon):—sarv-guṇ, s.m. All qualities; every good quality;—adj. Possessing all qualities (an epithet of the Deity):—sarv-gandh, s.m. lit. 'Having all perfumes'; a class of four aromatic substances (viz. cloves, kakkol, olibanaum or gum benjamin, and agallochum):—sarv-lok, s.m. All worlds, the universe:—sarv-may, adj. Made or consisting of all, all-containing, comprehensive, universal, general;—s.m. An epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-nāś, s.m. Destruction of all, complete ruin:—sarv-nāśī, adj. Alldestroying:—sarv-nām, s.m. (in Gram.) A pronoun or pronominal adjective:—sarvopari (˚va+up˚), adv. Over all:—sarvottum (˚va+ut˚), adj. Best of all, most excellent;—an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-vid, and sarv-vedī, adj. & s.m. All-knowing, all-wise, omniscient;—all-knower, an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarvaushadhi, s.f.=sarvaushadhi-gaṇ, q.v.:—sarvaushadhi-ras (˚va+osh˚), s.m. The juice or infusion of a number of plants (see the following) as used at a royal inauguration:—sarvaushadhi-gaṇ, s.m. A class of certain medicinal herbs or drugs (viz. Murā, ĆampāJaṭā-māṅsī, turmeric, orris-root, benzoin, zedoary, Costus speciosus, sandal, camphor, red sanders, Cyperus, etc.):—sarvvyāpitva, s.m. All-pervadingness, universality; the embracing all the particular circumstances of a case:—sarv-vyāpak, vulg. sarb-biyāpak, adj. All-pervading, universal (in the Pantheistic sense);—an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-vyāpakatā, s.f. and sarv-vyāpakatva, s.m.=sarv-vyāpitva, q.v.:—sarv-vyāpī, adj.=sarv-vyāpak, q.v.:—sarv-hār, s.m. Confiscation of a whole property:—sarveś(˚va+īś˚), s.m. 'Lord of all,' the Supreme Being; a universal monarch.