◀Previous 200 Entries31818. سرهنا 31819. سرهنگ 31820. سرهنگی 31821. سرهی 31822. سرو 31823. سرو31824. سرو 31825. سروا 31826. سروا 31827. سروا 31828. سروا 31829. سروا 31830. سروا 31831. سروال 31832. سروالہ 31833. سروالی 31834. سروان 31835. سروانگ 31836. سروبر 31837. سروپ 31838. سروپ 31839. سروپ 31840. سروپتا 31841. سروپتا 31842. سروپی 31843. سروپی 31844. سروپی 31845. سروت 31846. سروت 31847. سروتا 31848. سروتا 31849. سروتا 31850. سروتپات 31851. سروتر 31852. سروترا 31853. سروتري 31854. سروتس 31855. سروتس 31856. سروتہ 31857. سروتھا 31858. سروج 31859. سروجن 31860. سروجی 31861. سرود 31862. سرودا 31863. سرودي 31864. سرور 31865. سرور 31866. سرور 31867. سرورہ 31868. سروري 31869. سروري 31870. سروس 31871. سروسو 31872. سروسو 31873. سروسیہ 31874. سروش 31875. سروش 31876. سروكار 31877. سروگ 31878. سروگ 31879. سرولا 31880. سروم 31881. سرومن 31882. سرومی 31883. سرون 31884. سرون 31885. سرونام 31886. سرونج 31887. سرونون 31888. سرونون 31889. سروهی 31890. سروور 31891. سرووشدهی 31892. سرویا 31893. سرویہیا 31894. سري 31895. سري 31896. سري 31897. سري 31898. سري 31899. سري 31900. سري 31901. سري 31902. سریا 31903. سریا 31904. سریا 31905. سریان 31906. سریانی 31907. سري پا 31908. سري پاو 31909. سریت 31910. سریت 31911. سریتن 31912. سریتنا 31913. سریجو 31914. سریر 31915. سریر 31916. سریر 31917. سریري 31918. سریري 31919. سریري 31920. سریس 31921. سریسا 31922. سریش 31923. سریش 31924. سریشٹھہ 31925. سریصاف 31926. سریع 31927. سریفا 31928. سریكا 31929. سریكھا 31930. سریكھا 31931. سریكھا 31932. سریكھا 31933. سریلا 31934. سریمان 31935. سریمنت 31936. سرین 31937. سرین 31938. سرینی 31939. سریو 31940. سریو 31941. سرییہ 31942. سزا 31943. سزاوار 31944. سزاواري 31945. سزاور 31946. سزپیچ 31947. سڑ 31948. سڑا 31949. سڑا 31950. سڑاسڑ 31951. سڑانا 31952. سڑاند 31953. سڑاندهہ 31954. سڑاهٹ 31955. سڑاهند 31956. سڑپ 31957. سڑپا 31958. سڑپن 31959. سڑپنا 31960. سڑپنا 31961. سڑڑسڑڑ 31962. سڑك 31963. سڑكا 31964. سڑكنا 31965. سڑكنا 31966. سڑكی 31967. سڑم 31968. سڑن 31969. سڑن 31970. سڑنا 31971. سڑنا 31972. سڑي 31973. سڑي 31974. سڑیل 31975. سڑیلا 31976. سڑییل 31977. سس 31978. سس 31979. سس 31980. سس 31981. سسا 31982. سسار 31983. سسار 31984. سساكھی 31985. سساهسی 31986. سسءی 31987. سسپا 31988. سسپشٹ 31989. سست 31990. سستا 31991. سستا 31992. سستاءی 31993. سستانا 31994. سستر 31995. سستھت 31996. سستھت 31997. سستھتا 31998. سستھر 31999. سستھرتا 32000. سستھرتو 32001. سستھہ 32002. سستی 32003. سسچھك 32004. سسر 32005. سسر 32006. سسرا 32007. سسرار 32008. سسرال 32009. سسرالیا 32010. سسرنا 32011. سسرنا 32012. سسري 32013. سسك 32014. سسك 32015. سسكارنا 32016. سسكاري 32017. سسكاري


सवर् sarva, vulg. sarv, and sarb, adj. All; every; whole, entire, complete, universal (see sab);—s.m. An epithet of Vishṇu; and of Śiva:—sarvātmā (˚va+āt˚), s.m. The supreme or all-pervading spirit;—all beings collectively:—sarvādarmān, vulg. sarb-ādarmāṅ (˚va+ād˚), adj. Respected or honoured by all:—sarvādhi-kār (˚va+adh˚), s.m. General superintendence or control:—sarvādhikārī, s.m. Head or general superintendent:—sarvārtham (˚va+ar˚), adv. For all, on account of all:—sarvāśray (˚va+āś˚), adj. & s.m. Affording shelter or protection to all;—universal protector, an epithet of Śiva:—sarvāng (˚va+an˚), s.m. The whole body (from head to foot); all the aṅgas or vedāṅgas collectively, all the auxiliary branches of sacred science:—sarvāṅgī, vulg. sarb-angī, adj. Possessing all the limbs or parts, entire, complete, perfect, (in Bot.) polygamous:—sarv-bhāv, s.m. Whole being or nature, entire disposition; all one's thoughts and purposes:—sarv-bhakshor sarvbhakshī, vulg. sarb-bhaćhī, adj. & s.m. Eating all sorts of things, all-devouring, omnivorous;—an omnivorous animal; a goat:—sarv-bhūt, s.m. All beings, all created things; all the elements;—sarv-bhūt-may, adj. Containing all living beings or existences, comprising all elementary matter;—s.m. The supreme allpervading spirit:—sarv-bhūt-vyāpak, s.m. An epithet of the supreme spirit considered as pervading all existences:—sarv-pradhān, s.m. Chief of all; an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-pūrakār, adv. Of all kinds; in all ways:—sarv-priya, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Dear to all, universally beloved; loving all, generally friendly;—a much-loved person; one who is universally beloved;—a much-loving person:—sarv-pavitr, adj. All-holy:—sarv-pūjit, adj. Worshipped by all, universally worshipped; an epithet of Śiva:—sarv-pūrṇaṭā, s.f. Entire fulness or completeness; complete preparation or provision:—sarv-tejas, s.m. All splendour; all power, omnipotence:—sarv-tejo-may, and sarv-tejmān, adj. Consisting of all splendour, all-glorious; containing all power, omnipotent:—sarv-jit, adj. All-conquering, allsubduing, irresistible; all-surpassing, excellent, incomparable;—s.m. An epithet of the twentyfirst of Jupiter's cycle of sixty years:—sarvjagat, s.f.m. The whole world, the universe:—sarva-jna, vulg. sarvagya, sarvag, sarbag, adj. & s.m. All-wise, all-knowing, omniscient;—epithet of Śiva; of a Jina or Buddha deified sage:—sarvu-jnānī, vulg. sarb-gyānī, adj. Omniscient, all-wise:—sarva-jnatā, vulg. sarvagyatā, s.f. Omniscience:—sarv-dātā, s.m. Giver of all things; an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-darśitva, s.m. or sarvdarśitā, s.f. Omniscience:—sarv-darśak, and sarv-darśī, adj. & s.m. All, seeing, omniscient;—an epithet of the Supreme:—sarvdukh-kshay, s.m. Destruction of all pain, final emancipation from separate existence, beatitude:—sarv-daman, adj. & s.m. Allsubduing, all-taming, irresistible;—`all-tamer,' an epithet of Bharat (son of Śakuntalā):—sarvdhārī, adj. & s.m. All-sustaining;—all-holder; epithet of Śiva;—s.f. Epithet of the twentysecond year of Jupiter's cycle of sixty years:—sarv-dhan, s.m. The total amount of (one's) wealth or property; (in Arith.) sum total; sum of a series, sum total of a progression:—sarvdeva-may, adj. Made up of all the gods:—sarvrātr, s.m. The whole night:—sarv-sāmarth, adj. All-powerful, almighty, omnipotent:—sarvsāmarthatā, s.f. All power, omnipotence:—sarv-sāmarthī, adj. All-powerful, omnipotent:—sarv-siḍdhi, s.f. Accomplishment of every object, universal success;—s.m. The vilva or bel tree:—sarv-sarv-nāśak, adj. Mutually destructive:—sarv-sukh, s.m. All happiness, universal happiness; all pleasures:—sarv-sukh-dā`ī, adj. & s.m. Bestowing all or perfect happiness; all-healing; one who bestows or is the source of all happiness, etc.:—sarvsamatā, s.f. Sameness or identity with all things; equal regard for all, impartiality; equanimity:—sarv-saṅćayī, adj. & s.m. Niggardly, miserly;—a niggard, miser:—sarvsaṅgā, s.f. (?) A medley:—sarv-saṅgat, adj. (f. -ā), United with all; met with universally;—sarv-saṅgrā, adj. All-uniting:—sarva-sva, vulg. sarbasu, sarbas, s.m. The whole of a person's property or possessions, one's all, everything; whole substance or essence (of anything);—sarva-sva-danḍ, adj. & s.m. Fined to the extent of one's all;—confiscation of the whole of a property;—sarva-sva-haraṇ, s.m. Seizure or confiscation of the whole of one's property:—sarv-svāmī, s.m. Owner or master of all; universal monarch; epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-sah, adj. (f. -ā), All-enduring, bearing the whole, bearing all things with firmness and patience, very patient;—s.m. Bdellium:—sarv-śaktimān, adj. Almighty, all powerful, omnipotent:—sarv-kārī, s.m. Maker or doer of all things; the Creator:—sarv-kāl, s.m. and adv. All seasons, all times;—for all seasons; at all times:—sarv-kālīn, adj. Of or belonging to all times or seasons, perpetual:—sarvaga, vulg. sarvag, adj. & s.m. Going everywhere; all-pervading, ubiquitous; omnipresent;—spirit, soul; epithet of Brahmā; and of Śiva:—sarv-gat, adj. Going everywhere; universally diffused, all-pervading, omnipresent:—sarv-grās, s.m. lit. 'Swallowing all'; a total eclipse:—sarv-grāsī, adj. & s.m. Alldevouring, omnivorous, rapacious, voracious, greedy;—a voracious or greedy person:—sarvgrahaṇ, vulg. sarb-gahan, s.m. Total eclipse (of the sun or moon):—sarv-guṇ, s.m. All qualities; every good quality;—adj. Possessing all qualities (an epithet of the Deity):—sarv-gandh, s.m. lit. 'Having all perfumes'; a class of four aromatic substances (viz. cloves, kakkol, olibanaum or gum benjamin, and agallochum):—sarv-lok, s.m. All worlds, the universe:—sarv-may, adj. Made or consisting of all, all-containing, comprehensive, universal, general;—s.m. An epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-nāś, s.m. Destruction of all, complete ruin:—sarv-nāśī, adj. Alldestroying:—sarv-nām, s.m. (in Gram.) A pronoun or pronominal adjective:—sarvopari (˚va+up˚), adv. Over all:—sarvottum (˚va+ut˚), adj. Best of all, most excellent;—an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-vid, and sarv-vedī, adj. & s.m. All-knowing, all-wise, omniscient;—all-knower, an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarvaushadhi, s.f.=sarvaushadhi-gaṇ, q.v.:—sarvaushadhi-ras (˚va+osh˚), s.m. The juice or infusion of a number of plants (see the following) as used at a royal inauguration:—sarvaushadhi-gaṇ, s.m. A class of certain medicinal herbs or drugs (viz. Murā, ĆampāJaṭā-māṅsī, turmeric, orris-root, benzoin, zedoary, Costus speciosus, sandal, camphor, red sanders, Cyperus, etc.):—sarvvyāpitva, s.m. All-pervadingness, universality; the embracing all the particular circumstances of a case:—sarv-vyāpak, vulg. sarb-biyāpak, adj. All-pervading, universal (in the Pantheistic sense);—an epithet of the Supreme Being:—sarv-vyāpakatā, s.f. and sarv-vyāpakatva, s.m.=sarv-vyāpitva, q.v.:—sarv-vyāpī, adj.=sarv-vyāpak, q.v.:—sarv-hār, s.m. Confiscation of a whole property:—sarveś(˚va+īś˚), s.m. 'Lord of all,' the Supreme Being; a universal monarch.
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