Previous 200 Entries31413. سدهكنا 31414. سدهن 31415. سدهنا 31416. سدهنا 31417. سدهنی 31418. سدهہ31419. سدهہ 31420. سدهہ 31421. سدهہ 31422. سدهوا 31423. سدهوانا 31424. سدهوانا 31425. سدهوانا 31426. سدهوڑ 31427. سدهی 31428. سدهی 31429. سدهی 31430. سدهی 31431. سدهی 31432. سدهیر 31433. سدهیر 31434. سدهیلا 31435. سدوس 31436. سدوسی 31437. سدوش 31438. سدوشی 31439. سدي 31440. سدي 31441. سدیا 31442. سدیا 31443. سدیسو 31444. سدیسے 31445. سدیسے 31446. سدیسی 31447. سدیش 31448. سدیش 31449. سدیش 31450. سدیشی 31451. سدیشی 31452. سدیہ 31453. سدیہ 31454. سدیھی 31455. سدیو 31456. سڈا 31457. سڈهال 31458. سڈهب 31459. سڈول 31460. سڈولتا 31461. سر 31462. سر 31463. سر 31464. سر 31465. سر 31466. سر 31467. سر 31468. سر 31469. سر 31470. سرا 31471. سرا 31472. سرا 31473. سرا 31474. سرا 31475. سرا 31476. سرا 31477. سرا 31478. سرا 31479. سرا 31480. سراءی 31481. سراءی 31482. سراءی 31483. سراءین 31484. سراب 31485. سراب 31486. سراپ 31487. سراپا 31488. سراپت 31489. سراپنا 31490. سرات 31491. سرات 31492. سراتري 31493. سراتن 31494. سراتی 31495. سراج 31496. سراج 31497. سراجال 31498. سراجنا 31499. سراچہ 31500. سراچہ 31501. سرادكی 31502. سرادها 31503. سرادهہ 31504. سرازیر 31505. سراسر 31506. سراسري 31507. سراسن 31508. سراسیمہ 31509. سراغ 31510. سراغی 31511. سراگاءی 31512. سراگاءی 31513. سراگاو 31514. سراگاو 31515. سرالی 31516. سرامد 31517. سرانا 31518. سرانا 31519. سرانا 31520. سرانت 31521. سرانت 31522. سرانتی 31523. سرانتی 31524. سراندهہ 31525. سراہ 31526. سراهن 31527. سراهنا 31528. سراهی 31529. سراو 31530. سراو 31531. سراوا 31532. سراوا 31533. سراوك 31534. سراوك 31535. سراوگی 31536. سراوگی 31537. سراون 31538. سراون 31539. سراي 31540. سرایت 31541. سرایچہ 31542. سرایندہ 31543. سرب 31544. سرب 31545. سرباسودهی 31546. سربدا 31547. سربر 31548. سربر 31549. سربراہ 31550. سربراهی 31551. سربس 31552. سربستی 31553. سربھنَگ 31554. سربھنَگ 31555. سربھنگی 31556. سربھنگی 31557. سربھی 31558. سربھی 31559. سرپ 31560. سرپت 31561. سرپت 31562. سرپت 31563. سرپتا 31564. سرپتا 31565. سرپٹ 31566. سرپر 31567. سرپردہ 31568. سرپس 31569. سرپن 31570. سرپوش 31571. سرپی 31572. سرت 31573. سرت 31574. سرت 31575. سرت 31576. سرت 31577. سرت 31578. سرتا 31579. سرتا 31580. سرتاءی 31581. سرتاءی 31582. سرتاب 31583. سرتابرتا 31584. سرتاپن 31585. سرتاپن 31586. سرتی 31587. سرتی 31588. سرتی 31589. سرتی 31590. سرتیا 31591. سرتیز 31592. سرتیلا 31593. سرٹ 31594. سرٹا 31595. سرٹی 31596. سرج 31597. سرج 31598. سرج 31599. سرج 31600. سرج 31601. سرج 31602. سرجانا 31603. سرجك 31604. سرجك 31605. سرجكا 31606. سرجن 31607. سرجن 31608. سرجن 31609. سرجنا 31610. سرجو 31611. سرجی 31612. سرجیون


िसƨ siddha, vulg. siddh, and H. िसध sidh (rt. िसध् ), part. adj. Accomplished, effected, brought about, completed, finished, perfected, consummated; performed, fulfilled; realized; obtained, acquired, gained; successful; settled, established, substantiated, demonstrated, proved; admitted to be true or right; valid, sound, good; judged, determined, adjudicated, decided, terminated (as a law-suit, etc.); paid, liquidated, discharged, settled (as a debt, etc.); framed, formed, enacted, made (as a regulation, or an award, etc.); ready (as money, etc.), thoroughly prepared; made up, concocted, compounded (as drugs, etc.); cooked, dressed; matured, ripened, ripe; brought into subjection (by magical power); thoroughly skilled or versed (in science, or in magical arts, etc.); endowed with supernatural powers; perfected or sanctified (by penance, or austerities, etc.); emancipated, beatified;sacred, holy, pious, divine; immortal, eternal; well-known, eminent, celebrated; illustrious, shining, splendid;—s.m. A semi-divine being supposed to be of great purity and holiness, and said to be specially characterized by the eight siddhisor supernatural faculties (the Siddhas, together with the Vidyādharas, Munis, etc. are believed to inhabit the Bhuvarlok or middle region between the earth and the sun);—an inspired sage, a seer; a holy personage, a great saint, one who has subjected his will to the eight siddhis;—an ascetic who by mystical and austere practices has effected one or all of five purposes, viz. 1˚the influence or wealth of the gods; 2˚the form of the gods; 3˚the society of the gods; 4˚residence in the divine lokas; 5˚identification with a deity;—an adept in magical or mystical arts, a magician, one who by the performance of certain mystical rites has acquired certain superhuman powers;—the twenty-first of the astronomical periods called yogas:—siddhārth (˚dha+ar˚), adj. & s.m. Having attained (one's) aim, successful;—one who has accomplished his aim or object;—white mustard:—siddhānt (˚dha+ an˚), s.m. Demonstrated conclusion, establisḥed truth, result, consequence, the determination or result of investigation or discussion, conclusion, decision; reliable doctrine; a system of science (esp. of astronomy, geometry, etc.), a common name of several treatises upon astronomy, astrology, algebra, and other sciences:—siddhānt-paksh, s.m. The logically correct side of an argument:—siddhānt-koṭī, s.f. The point in an argument which is regarded as a logical conclusion:—siddhāntī, adj. Appertaining to a logical demonstration;—s.m. One who establishes or proves his conclusions, a logician; demonstrator; one learned in scientific text-books; a follower of the Mīmānsāphilosophy:—siddh-pārā, s.m. = siddh-dhātu, q.v.:—siddh-purush, s.m. A perfect or completely sanctified personage, one who by abstraction and austerities has attained that degree of divine perfection which enables him to accomplish anything he desires; a sage, seer; an adept in mystical rites:—siddh-dhātu, s.m. 'Perfected mineral,' quicksilver, mercury:—siddh-ras, adj. & s.m. Having perfected metallic fluids, mineral, metallic;—mercury, quicksilver:—siddh-sādhan, s.m. The performance of magical or mystical rites (for the acquisition of supernatural powers, etc.); the materials employed in mystical or chemical processes:—siddh-kārī, s.m. An observer of the laws:—sidh kar-lānā(-ko), To carry into effect, to obey:—sidh karnā, v.t. To accomplish, effect; to complete, finish; to perfect, to sanctify; to bring under subjection by magic; etc.;—v.n. To make ready, to set out, to start (cf. sidhārnā):—siddha-lok, s.m.=siddh-purush, q.v.:—siddhonmukh (˚dha+un˚), adj. Having the face set to business, fit or ready for business, etc.:—sidh honā, v.n. To be accomplished; to be perfect, etc. (see siddh).

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