zahr [Zend gara; S. गर], s.m. Poison, venom, virus; (met.) anything bitter or disagreeable; gall and worm-wood:—zahr ugalnā, lit. 'To vomit poison'; to say venomous, spiteful, or bitter things; to speak ill (of), to calumniate; to sneer (at):—zahr-ālūd or ālūda, and zahr-āmez, adj. Mixed with poison, poisoned, envenomed, venomous:—zahr-bād, s.m. lit. 'Poison-air'; a dangerous disease of horses and elephants in which the yard and testicles of the animal become suddenly swollen and violently inflamed:—zahr-dār, adj. Poisonous, venomous; poisoned:—zahr-ě-qātil, s.m. Deadly poison:—zahr khānā, v.n. To swallow or take poison (on account of, or through love, etc., for anyone, -kisī-par); to be exceedingly envious or jealous (of anyone, -kisī-par); to imitate an act unsuitable to one's state or condition, to ape:—zahr khilānā, v.t. To give (one) poison, to poison:—zahr lagnā(-ko), To be regarded as poison, to be hateful (to):—zahr-mār, adj. & s.m. Poison-destroying;—an antidote:—zahr-mār karnā, v.n. To swallow as poison, to do (a thing) by force, or with great repugnance:—zahr-milāyā, adj. (f. -ī), Mixed with poison, poisoned:—zahr-mǒhra, s.m. Bezoar, an antidote to poison:—zahr-ě-halāhal, s.m. Deadly poison.
Origin: Persian