zaḵẖm, vulg. zaḵẖam[prob. jagh˚, fr. Zend rt. jan, redupl.+aff. man; S. जघ, by redupl. fr. rt. हन् +मन् ], s.m. (f.?), Wound, sore, scar, cut, gash; fracture; injury; damage; loss (syn. ghā`o; ćoṭ):—zaḵẖm-angez, adj. lit. 'Wound-exciting'; vesicant (in medicine):—zaḵẖm-par namak ćhiṛaknā, To sprinkle salt on a wound; to afflict or torture the afflicted:—zaḵẖm denā(-ko), To give (one) a wound or cut, etc., to stab; to wound, hurt, injure:—zaḵẖm-rasā, s.m. A deep wound:—zaḵẖm-ě-kārī, or zaḵẖm-kārī, s.m. A mortal wound:—zaḵẖm khānā, v.n. To be wounded:—zaḵẖm harāhonā, A wound to re-open or to be renewed:—bandar-kāzaḵẖm, 'A monkey's wound'; a wound kept green by constant irritation:—ćashm-zaḵẖm, s.m. A wound with the eye, a fascinating look.
Origin: Persian