◀Previous 200 Entries29319. رهواس 29320. رهویا 29321. رو 29322. رو 29323. رو 29324. رو29325. رو 29326. روا 29327. روا 29328. رواءی 29329. رواتب 29330. رواٹا 29331. رواج 29332. رواجی 29333. روار 29334. رواراٹ 29335. رواروي 29336. رواس 29337. رواسا 29338. رواسن 29339. روافض 29340. رواق 29341. روال 29342. روان 29343. روان 29344. روان 29345. روانا 29346. روانا 29347. روانس 29348. روانسا 29349. روانسا 29350. روانگی 29351. روانہ 29352. روانی 29353. روءی 29354. روءی 29355. روءی 29356. روءیا 29357. روایات 29358. روایت 29359. روءیدگی 29360. روءیدہ 29361. روءین 29362. روءیہا 29363. روب 29364. روباہ 29365. روبرو 29366. روبكار 29367. روبہ 29368. روپ 29369. روپ 29370. روپ 29371. روپا 29372. روپا 29373. روپت 29374. روپر 29375. روپك 29376. روپن 29377. روپنا 29378. روپنا 29379. روپہ 29380. روپہرا 29381. روپہرا 29382. روپہلا 29383. روپہلا 29384. روپہنا 29385. روپی 29386. روپیا 29387. روپیہ 29388. روت 29389. روت 29390. روت 29391. روت 29392. روتا 29393. روتاءی 29394. روتھہ 29395. روٹ 29396. روٹا 29397. روٹنا 29398. روٹھا 29399. روٹھاروٹھی 29400. روٹھنا 29401. روٹھنی 29402. روٹی 29403. روٹیا 29404. روج 29405. روج 29406. روج 29407. روج 29408. روج 29409. روجڑا 29410. روجڑا 29411. روجھا 29412. روجھنا 29413. روجھہ 29414. روچك 29415. روچن 29416. روچنا 29417. روچنا 29418. روچنی 29419. روچھہ 29420. روح 29421. روحانی 29422. روحانیت 29423. رود 29424. رود 29425. رودا 29426. روداد 29427. رودر 29428. رودرتا 29429. رودري 29430. رودن 29431. رودنا 29432. رودہ 29433. رودهن 29434. رودهنا 29435. رودهہ 29436. روڈهنا 29437. رور 29438. رور 29439. رور 29440. رورا 29441. رورا 29442. روراٹ 29443. رورو 29444. روروكر 29445. روري 29446. روز 29447. روزانہ 29448. روزگار 29449. روزگاري 29450. روزمرہ 29451. روزن 29452. روزہ 29453. روزي 29454. روزینہ 29455. روڑا 29456. روڑها 29457. روڑها 29458. روڑهاپن 29459. روڑهہ 29460. روڑهہ 29461. روڑهہ 29462. روڑهی 29463. روڑي 29464. روس 29465. روس 29466. روس 29467. روس 29468. روس 29469. روسا 29470. روسا 29471. روسپی 29472. روستا 29473. روستا 29474. روستاي 29475. روستاي 29476. روستی 29477. روستی 29478. روستی 29479. روسل 29480. روسل 29481. روسل 29482. روسلی 29483. روسلی 29484. روسلی 29485. روسنا 29486. روسی 29487. روسیاہ 29488. روسیل 29489. روش 29490. روش 29491. روشت 29492. روشن 29493. روشن 29494. روشنا 29495. روشناءی 29496. روشنی 29497. روشی 29498. روضہ 29499. روغن 29500. روغنی 29501. روك 29502. روك 29503. روك 29504. روكڑ 29505. روكڑا 29506. روكڑا 29507. روكڑا 29508. روكڑي 29509. روكڑي 29510. روكڑیا 29511. روكڑیا 29512. روكن 29513. روكن 29514. روكنا 29515. روكھا 29516. روكھا 29517. روكھا 29518. روكھاءی


rū[Pehl. rūt; Zend raodha, rt. rud; S. रोह, rt. रुɯ], s.m. Face, countenance; appearance, aspect; surface (of the earth, etc.); sake; cause, reason; colour, pretence:—rū-ba-rāh, adj. lit. 'Face to the road'; ready for a journey, setting out; fit for business, adjusted, prepared; returned from an erroneous course, reformed:—rū-ba-rū, s.m. Presence;—adv. Face-to-face (with), in the presence (of, -ke), in front (of), before, over against:—rū-ba-rūkarnāor rū-barūlānā(-ko), To bring (one) face to face (with, -ke), to bring in the presence (of, -keor -mere); to confront (one with):—rū-ba-firār honāor ho-jānā, v.n. 'To have the face set towards flight'; to take to flight:—rū-ba-kār, adj. & s.m. 'Face to business,' ready for business, intent (upon); approaching, in hand, on foot, about to be, in agitation; agitated, proceeded on (as a suit at law);—a proceeding (of a cause); an order (cf. rū-ba-kārī):—rū-bakārāt, s.m. pl. Proceedings; causes or matters brought into court:—rū-ba-kārī, s.f. Proceeding (of a cause), a record (in a cause); a warrant, an order; a communication (in Urdū or Persian) addressed by an official to an equal:—rū-bakārīhonā, Orders or warrants to be issued for the trial of a case; to be tried or heard (a case):—rū-posh, adj. Hiding the face; absconding, sheering off;concealed, in hiding, absconded;—being externally one thing and internally another:—rū-posh honā, v.n. To abscond, to conceal oneself, be in hiding; to evade service of a summons:—rū-poshī, s.f. Absconding, hiding, concealment:—rū-dād, s.f. lit. 'Presenting an appearance'; occurence, incident; accident; state; account of circumstances, statement (of a case), proceeding, record (in a case); account, narrative, report:—rū-dār, s.m. A man of rank and dignity:—rū-dārī, s.f. Rank, dignity;—flattery; complaisance:—rūdenā(-ko), To regard, to attend (to); to present itself, to appear; to occur, happen (=P. rūdādan; cf. rū-dād):—rū-ri`āyat, s.f. Countenance, favour, partiality:—rū-ri`āyat karnā(-kī), To countenance, favour:—rū-sufaid, adj. Fairfaced, of a bright countenance; unsullied in honour or reputation; unblamable; honest, respectable; select:—rū-sufaidī, s.f. Brightness of face; honourableconduct; unsullied reputation; honour;—rū-se, adv. By way (of, -ke); according (to), etc. (=az-rū`ě, q.v.s.v. az):—rū-siyāh, adj. & s.m. Having the face blackened; sullied inhonour, disgraced; infamous; criminal; unfortunate;—one whose face is blackened; disgraced person, etc.:—rū-siyāhī, s.f. The state of having the face blackened; disgrace, dishonour, infamy; criminal conduct:—rū-shinās, s.m. One whose face is known, an acquaintance, a capacquaintance:—rū-shināsī, s.f. Knowing one by sight, acquaintance:—rū-kash, adj. & s.m. Having or presenting an exterior different from the interior;—anything whose exterior and interior differ;—cover of a mirror:—rū-kashī, s.f. The being externally one thing and internally another:—rū-gardān, adj. Turning away the face (from), deserting, abandoning; faceaverted, disobedient; averse (to), backward, turning inside out (as cloth):—rū-gardān karnā, v.t. To turn the face away from, to abandon, desert; to beat; to turn (the cloth of a coat, etc.) inside out:—rū-gardānī, s.f. The turning away the face, disobedience,disaffection, revolt:—rū-māl, vulg. rumāl, s.m. lit. 'Face-wiping'; a handkerchief; a towel, napkin; a pessary:—rū-mālī, s.f. A handkerchief worn about the head;—a mode of exercising the arms by turning clubs or dumb-bells (mugdar) over the head;—a kind of pigeon:—rū-numā, adj. Showing the face, appearing:—rū-numā`ī, s.f. A shewing of the face; sight of the face; the ceremony of a bride's unveiling herself for the first time in her father-in-law's house; the present made to a bride when she unveils herself:—is rū-se, adv. For this reason, on this account;—in this wise, so.
Origin: Persian
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