रोकना roknā[rok˚= Prk. रुक्क(इ) or रुक्के(इ), fr. S. रुध् (acc. sing. neut. रुत् )+कृ], v.t. To stop, check, arrest, challenge (as a sentry), restrain, prohibit, hinder, impede, retard, prevent, obstruct, baulk, interrupt, intercept, interdict, forbid, suppress, oppose, resist, coerce; to hold, hold in or back, withhold, retain, keep, hold in detention, detain; to engage, secure, forestall, pre-engage; to avert, keep off, keep back, ward off, parry, guard; to preserve, protect, screen, cover; to shut close, block, fend, stop up, block up, fill up; to shut in, hem in, enclose, surround, invest, besiege; to bind (as by contract, etc.):—rokdenā, v.t. intens. of and=roknā:—rok-rakhnā, v.t. To stop, restrain, detain, etc. (=roknā); to impound, to pound (cattle).
Origin: Hindi