roz, vulg. roj[Pehl. roj; Zend raoćaṅh, rt. ruć= S. रुच् ; cf. S. रोचः], s.m. Day (syn. din); a day of twenty-four hours;—daily wages, hire or wages for a day;—adv. Daily, a day, per diem; every day:—roz-afzūn, adj. Dailyincreasing; increasing or progressing day by day:—roz-ě-ummed-o-bīm, 'The day of hope and fear,' the day of judgment:—roz bā-`aish, A pleasant or good day (to you):—roz baṭnā, Daily wages to be distributed:—roz-ba-roz, adv. From day to day, day after day, day by day; daily, every day, constantly:—roz-bih, s.m. Fortunate days, happy times, prosperity:—roz-ě-jazā, 'The day of retribution,' day of judgment:—roz-ě-ḥashr, 'The day of general assembly,' the day of judgment:—roz-ě-dād, 'Day of justice,' the day of judgment:—roz-roz, adv. Day by day, daily, every day, always, constantly:—roz-ě-siyāh, 'Dark day,' day of trouble or vexation; trouble, adversity, misfortune:—roz-ě-shumār, 'Day of reckoning,' the day of judgment:—roz-ě-qiyāmat, The day of resurrection:—roz-guẓārī, s.f. Passing of time:—roz-marra (see marra), adj. & adv. Daily, customary, ordinary, usual, in daily use, current; conventional; idiomatic;—daily, every day, always;—s.m. Daily conversation, common discourse; idiom; daily transaction or proceeding; daily allowance, daily food:—roznāmća, roz-nāma, s.m. An ephemeris, daybook, journal, diary, a journal of daily transactions or expenses, daily account-book:—roz-nāmća-navīs, s.m. A clerk whose business it is to keep the journal or diary of work done in an office:—roz-o-shab, adv. Day and night, always, constantly (syn. din-rāt).
Origin: Persian