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रस rasa, vulg. ras, s.m. Sap, juice; syrup; a liquid, fluid; water; liquor; gravy, soup, broth; (met.) the best or prime part (of anything), essence, marrow, pith; potion, poisonous drink, poison; constituent fluid or essential juice (of the body); humour; serum; chyle; semen virile; quicksilver, mercury; exudation; gum, myrrh;—taste, savour, flavour, relish (of which there are six kinds, viz.sweet, sour, salt, bitter, acrid, astringent; hence, in Hindīpoetry), a symbolical expression for the number six;—taste, inclination, appetite, enjoyment (of anything); love, affection, desire; pleasure, charm, grace, piquancy, elegance, beauty; sweetness, softness, spirit, wit, taste, style, character;—taste, sentiment, feeling, emotion, pathos, affection, passion (ten such sentiments are enumerated in dramatic composition, viz. śr̤ingār-ras, 'the erotic sentiment,' 'love'; hāsya-ras, 'the sentiment of humour,' 'comic vein,' 'facetiousness,' etc.; karuṇa-ras, 'the pathetic sentiment'; vīr-ras, 'heroism'; raudra, 'indignation, anger'; bhayānak, 'terror'; bībhatsā, 'disgust'; adbhut, 'wonder, surprise'; śānt, 'tranquillity or contentment'; vātsalya, 'paternal tenderness'):—rasād (˚sa+ad), adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Taking or drinking juice, absorbing moisture;—sucker or drinker of juice, etc.:—rasālay (˚sa+āl˚), s.m. The seat or abode of the Rasas; the seat of enjoyments:—rasānjan (˚sa+an˚), s.m. A sort of collyrium prepared from the calx of brass with Amomum anthorrhiza (or, according to some, prepared from vitriol of copper with the addition of Curcuma):—rasāyan, vulg. rasā`in (˚sa+ay˚), s.m. Alchemy; chemistry; a mineral or metallic preparation; the employment of mercury in medicine, or for magical purposes; a medicine supposed to prevent old age and prolong life, an elixir, elixir vitæ; buttermilk; poison;—an alchemist; a name of Garuḍ:—rasāyan banānā(-kā), To turn base metals into gold or silver:—rasāyan-mel, s.m. Chemical affinity:—rasāyan-vidyā, s.f. The science of alchemy, or of chemistry:—rasāyanī, s.m. An alchemist (=rasāyan), a chemist;—s.f. A canal or channel for the fluids (of the body), a vessel conveying chyle, a lacteal or absorbent vessel:—ras-bharā, adj. (f. -ī), Full of juice or sap; full of taste or sentiment; juicy, succulent; liquid; luscious; tasteful; sensuous, voluptuous:—ras-bhasman, s.m. Calx, oxide of mercury:—ras paṛnā(-meṅ), To be or become full of juice, or sap, or serum; to become juicy;—to attain to maturity or puberty; to be pleased or delighted (with), to receive enjoyment (from):—ras-pushp, s.m. A muriate of mercury (formed by subliming in close vessels a mixture of sulphur, mercury, and common salt):—ras-ṭapaknā, v.n. Juice to drop or trickle (from); to be ripe (lit.& fig.), to be mature, be in full bloom or vigour; to be full of sexual desire:—rasa-jna (vulg. rasaggya), adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Knowing tastes, discriminating or appreciating flavour or excellence, knowing what gives real enjoyment; knowing the true essence (of), capable of discerning the spirit or beauty (of);—a man of discrimination; a writer who understands the different sentiments (ras), a poet; an alchemist, one who understands the magical properties of mercury; a physician, a preparer of mercurial and chemical compounds:—rasa-jnā, vulg. rasa-gyā, s.f. The tongue:—rasa-jnatā, vulg. rasa-gyatā, s.f. Knowledge of flavours; acquaintance with the true essence of things; poetical skill or taste; alchemy:—ras cūnā, v.n.=ras ṭapaknā, q.v.:—ras-dhāta, s.m. 'Fluid-metal,' quicksilver, mercury:—ras-rāj, s.m. 'King of fluids,' quicksilver:—ras-rās, s.m.=rās-ras, q.v.s.v. ras:—ras-ras, adv. Slowly, gently (=rasā`in-se):—ras-sindūr, s.m. A sort of factitious cinnabar made with zinc, mercury, blue vitriol, and nitre fused together:—raskarpūr, vulg. ras-kapūr, s.m. Corrosive white sublimate, or a muriate of mercury similar to it (made with sulphur, mercury, and common salt):—ras-khān, s.m. 'A mine of ras,' an epithet of Krishṇa:—ras-khīr, s.m. Rice-milk, rice boiled in milk, rice and milk:—ras lenā(-kā), To take or draw out the essence (of); to extract pleasure (from), to enjoy:—ras-nivr̤itti, s.f. Cessation or loss of taste, flavour, etc.:—ras-vād, adj. & s.m. Quarrel-exciting;—a fomenter of quarrels, mischief-maker:—rasvān, ras-vat (f. ras-vatī), adj. Having juice or sap, juicy, succulent; well-flavoured, tasteful, agreeable, savoury, luscious;—tasty, charming, elegant, piquant; spirited, witty:—ras-vatī, s.f. An agreeable or charming woman;—a cookroom, kitchen:—rasendra (˚sa+in˚), s.m. 'Chief of fluids or metals,' quicksilver; the philosopher's stone (the touch of which turns iron, etc. to gold).

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