◀Previous 200 Entries28482. رانگھڑ 28483. رانگھڑي 28484. رانوا 28485. رانی 28486. راہ 28487. راہ28488. راهب 28489. راهتیہ 28490. راهن 28491. راهنا 28492. راهو 28493. راهوا 28494. راهی 28495. راو 28496. راوت 28497. راوت 28498. راوٹی 28499. راوچاو 28500. راور 28501. راور 28502. راور 28503. راور 28504. راورا 28505. راورا 28506. راورا 28507. راورو 28508. راورو 28509. راورو 28510. راول 28511. راولا 28512. راولیا 28513. راون 28514. راوند 28515. راونی 28516. راوي 28517. راي 28518. راي 28519. رءی 28520. رایا 28521. رایات 28522. رایت 28523. رایتا 28524. رءیس 28525. رءیس 28526. رءیسہ 28527. رب 28528. رب 28529. ربا 28530. رباب 28531. ربابی 28532. ربابیا 28533. رباط 28534. رباطی 28535. رباعی 28536. ربانی 28537. رببار 28538. ربڈا 28539. ربر 28540. ربڑ 28541. ربڑ 28542. ربڑا 28543. ربڑانا 28544. ربڑنا 28545. ربڑي 28546. ربط 28547. ربطی 28548. ربع 28549. ربوب 28550. ربودن 28551. ربی 28552. ربی 28553. ربیب 28554. ربیبہ 28555. ربیع 28556. ربیعی 28557. رپ 28558. رپءے 28559. رپتا 28560. رپٹ 28561. رپٹ 28562. رپٹاكر 28563. رپٹانا 28564. رپٹپانا 28565. رپٹن 28566. رپٹنا 28567. رپرپ 28568. رپرپانا 28569. رپنا 28570. رپہرا 28571. رپہرا 28572. رپہلا 28573. رپہلا 28574. رپو 28575. رپورٹ 28576. رپیا 28577. رپیٹ 28578. رپییٹنا 28579. رت 28580. رت 28581. رت 28582. رت 28583. رتا 28584. رتارتھی 28585. رتارتھی 28586. رتالو 28587. رتانا 28588. رتانا 28589. رتاوا 28590. رتاینی 28591. رتاینی 28592. رتبہ 28593. رتجگا 28594. رتكیل 28595. رتن 28596. رتنا 28597. رتنا 28598. رتنا 28599. رتنار 28600. رتنار 28601. رتناري 28602. رتناري 28603. رتنیان 28604. رتھہ 28605. رتھی 28606. رتھی 28607. رتھیا 28608. رتو 28609. رتو 28610. رتوا 28611. رتوانا 28612. رتواهی 28613. رتوندا 28614. رتوندها 28615. رتوندهیا 28616. رتوندي 28617. رتی 28618. رتی 28619. رٹ 28620. رٹ گھٹ 28621. رٹنا 28622. رٹنا 28623. رٹھانا 28624. رٹھنا 28625. رج 28626. رج 28627. رجا 28628. رجا 28629. رجا 28630. رجاءی 28631. رجاءی 28632. رجال 28633. رجالا 28634. رجانا 28635. رجب 28636. رجبہا 28637. رجپت 28638. رجپت 28639. رجپوت 28640. رجپوت 28641. رجپوتنی 28642. رجت 28643. رجت 28644. رجتا 28645. رجتا 28646. رجتو 28647. رجدهاما 28648. رجدهانی 28649. رجز 28650. رجس 28651. رجسٹر 28652. رجسٹري 28653. رجعت 28654. رجك 28655. رجكنی 28656. رجكی 28657. رجكے 28658. رجگاري 28659. رجگدي 28660. رجل 28661. رجم 28662. رجنا 28663. رجنا 28664. رجنی 28665. رجھانا 28666. رجھانا 28667. رجھاو 28668. رجھنا 28669. رجھنا 28670. رجھوار 28671. رجھوار 28672. رجھوار 28673. رجھواڑ 28674. رجھواڑ 28675. رجھواڑ 28676. رجو 28677. رجو 28678. رجواڑا 28679. رجوبندهہ 28680. رجوع 28681. رجوگن ▶Next 200 Entries
राह rāh[Pehl. rāś, rās; Zend raithya= S. रथ्या], s.f. Road, way, path, passage; journey, progress; means of access, access; manner, method; custom, fashion;—postpn. By way (of, -kī); in the path (of), for the sake (of=rāhmeṅ):—rāh-āward, s.f. A present brought from a distance, or by one who has been on a journey:—rāh bāṅdhnā(-kī), To stop the path or progress (of), to refuse admittance (to), to bar out:—rāh batānā(with -koof person, and -kīof place), To show (one) the way (to), to guide; to show (one) the door, to turn out; to discharge, dismiss:—rāh-bar, s.m. A road-guide, guide, conductor:—rāh-barī, s.f. Conducting, guidance:—rāh-par ānā(-kī), To come or return to the road, find the road (which had been lost); to mend (one's own) ways or manners:—rāh-par lānā(-ko), To put one on the road (which had been lost); to guide (one) in the right path, to reform:—rāh paṛnā, To establish mutual confidence:—rāh paidākarnā, To make a way or path; to establish relations (with), form an acquaintance or friendship (with):—rāh taknā(-kī) = rāh dekhnā, q.v.:—rāh-ćabenī, s.f. Sweetmeats, etc. given as alms to Brāhmans or mendicants as a provision for the soul on its journey to the next world:—rāh-ćaltā, s.m. Wayfarer, traveller:—rāh-ćaltoṅ-kāpallāpakaṛnā, 'To seize the skirt of a wayfarer's garments,' to pick a quarrel with, quarrel (with one) without just cause:—rāh ćhoṛnā(-kī), To leave the road; to get out of the way, to give way:—rāh-ḵẖarć, s.m. Road-charges, travelling expenses:—rāh-dār, s.m. One who has charge of the public roads; a road-patrol; a collector of toll or duties on a road:—rāh-dārī, s.f. Tolls; duties;—rāh-dārī, s.f. (local), or rāh-dārī-kāparwānā(or -kī ćiṭṭhī), s.m. A passport to be excused tolls or duties; a pass or letter to guard against molestation on the road:—rāh dikhānā, v.t. To show (one) a road; to make one wait (for):—rāh dekhnā(-kī), To watch or wait (for), to look (for), expect, await:—rāh denā(-meṅ), To open a way, make way (for, -ko); to grant access (to), to admit:—rāh ḍālnā(-kī), To establish a custom:—rāh-rāh, or rāh-rāh-se, adv. According to custom, properly, reasonably, fairly:—rāh rāh ćalnā, To continue in (one's) usual practice or mode of conduct; to behave properly or according to custom or etiquette:—rāh-rāh-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Customary, reasonable, fair:—rāh rakhnā(-se), To keep up an intercourse (with):—rāh-ravor rau, s.m. A traveller, wayfarer; a follower or sectary:—rāhrawish, s.f. Manners, habits, ways, customs; conduct, behaviour:—rāh rūṅdan, s.m. Barring the way; keeping the gangway clear:—rāh-rīt, s.f. Practice, usage, custom:—rāh-zan, s.m. Highwayman, footpad, robber:—rāh-zanī, s.f. Highway-robbery:—rāh-sir, adj. Just, right, proper (=rāh-rāh):—rāh-sir ćalnā= rāh-rāh ćalnā, q.v.:—rāh-se (-kī), By way (of); by means (of), by:—rāh-se be-rāh honā, To leave the right road or path, lose (one's) way, go astray; to run to excess,to exceed all bounds:—rāh-se ćalnā, v.n. To act or behave with propriety:—rāh kāṭnā, To travel a road, get over a road; to quit a path, take a short cut:—rāh karnā= rāh paidākarnā, q.v.:—rāh khoṭīkarnā, To delay or linger on the road:—rāhguẕar, s.m. Road, way, passage, channel, pass;—a traveller:—rāh-gīr, s.m. Traveller, wayfarer:—rāh lagnā, To take (one's own) course, follow (one's own) devices:—rāh lenā(-kī), To take the way or road (to), to set out (for), to depart; to take (one's) way, take (oneself, apnī) off (e.g. apnīrāh lo):—rāh mārnā, To rob or plunder on the highway, to waylay; to lay (one) under restraint; to ruin (one's) prospects in life; to play false; to desert:—rāh marnā, The trace of a path to be effaced: rāh nāpnā, lit. 'To measure the road'; to walk about idly, to employ oneself unprofitably:—rāh-nāma, s.m. A book or map of roads:—rāh nikālnā, To open out or make a road; to start or devise anything new; to devise a new mode of conduct:—rāh-numā, s.m. Guide, leader, conductor, pilot:—rāh-numā`ī, s.f. Guidance, pilotage:—rāh-wār, adj. & s.m. Ambling, ambling-paced, quick, active;—an ambling horse, a courser, steed, a good roadster:—rāh-wārī, s.f. Ambling, an ambling pace:—rāh-o-rabt̤, s.m. Intercourse, correspondence:—rāh-o-rasm, s.f.=rāh-rīt, q.v.:—rāh-o-ravish, s.f.=rāh-ravish, q.v. (For other compounds see s.v. rah.)
Origin: Persian