daḵẖl, vulg. daḵẖal (inf. n. of دﺧﻞ 'to come in'), s.m. Entrance, ingress, admission, access; entering (upon), taking possession (of), possession, occupation, occupancy; making way or progress (in a study), progress, proficiency, knowledge; reach, grasp, scope, comprehension; possibility; capacity, competency; influence,power, authority, jurisdiction;—intrusion, interference, meddling, disturbance, molestation;—income, receipt, revenue, profit, produce, proceeds:—daḵẖl pānā, v.n. To have access, to be admitted; to obtain possession, be put in possession (of):—daḵẖl-dār, s.m. One who has admission (to); a partner, an accomplice:—daḵẖl dar ma`qūlāt, Interruption, interference:—daḵẖl-dihānī, s.f. The giving possession (to):—daḵẖl denā(-ko), To give admission (to), to allow to enter; to interpose (in or between, -meṅ), to interfere; to interrupt, to disturb:—daḵẖl karnā(-par), To enter (upon), take possession (of), to occupy; to encroach (upon);—to meddle (in, -meṅ), intermeddle, interfere (in or with), concern (oneself), intrude; to interrupt:—daḵẖlkarnewālā, s.m. An occupier, occupant; an encroacher, an intruder, etc.:—daḵẖl-meṅrakhnā, v.t. To keep possession of, to retain:—daḵẖl-nāma, s.m. A document giving the right of occupancy, a writ or warrant of entrance or of possession (of lands, etc.):—daḵẖl o qabẓa, s.m. Entry and possession:—daḵẖl-yābī, s.f. Obtaining entrance or admission; taking possession:—be-daḵẖl, adj. Excluded; dispossessed, ejected:—be-daḵẖl karnā, v.t. To exclude; to dispossess, dislodge, eject:—bedaḵẖlī, s.f. Dispossession, ejectment.
Origin: Arabic