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देह deh[Prk. देहो; S. देहः], s.f. (but, about Benares, m., as in Prk. & S.), The body, the person:—dehātma-vādī(˚ha+āt˚), s.m. One who asserts that the body and soul are one, a materialist:—dehānt (˚ha+an˚), s.m. The end of the body, i.e. death:—dehāntar (˚ha+an˚), s.m. Another body, another embodied state (in the doctrine of metempsychosis):—deh-tyāg, s.m. 'Resigning or relinquishing the body,' dying; death, voluntary death:—deh-ćyut, part. adj. Separated or detached from the body (as excrement, or the spirit):—deh durānā(-kī, or -apnī), To cover the person, conceal (one's) wickedness:—deh-dhārī, adj. Occupying or assuming a body, embodied, incarnate:—deh sambhālnā(apnī), To keep up the spirits; to be firm, to steady oneself, recover oneself:—dehkshay, s.m. Decay or wasting of the body, sickness, disease:—dch-vān, deh-vat, deh-vant, adj. & s.m. (f. -vatī), Furnished with a body, embodied, corporeal; of or belonging to the body;—an embodied creature, a living being, a man (=dehī):—deh-yātrā, s.f. 'Departure of the body,' dying, death.
Origin: Hindi
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