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देश deśa, vulg. deś, and des, s.m. Place, spot, region, country, territory, province, dominion; part, side, direction:—deśāṭan (˚śa+aṭ˚), s.m. The wandering through a country or countries, peregrination:—deśāćār (˚śa+āć˚), s.m. Custom or usage of a country, local usage or custom:—deśādhipati (˚śa+adh˚), s.m. (f. -patnī); and deśādhikarī(˚śa+adh˚), s.m. (f. -inī), The ruler of a country, governor of a province, ruler, governor, monarch:—deśānt (˚śa+an˚), s.m. The end, limit, or frontier of a country:—deśāntar (˚śa+an˚), s.m. Another country, foreign country, abroad:—deshāntarī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Of or belonging to another or foreign country;—a foreigner:—des-ba-des phirnā, To go from country to country, to travel about:—deś-bahin (or bahan), s.f. A fellowcountrywoman:—des-be`ohār (or byohar, s.m.=deś-vyavahār, q.v.:—deś-bhāshā, vulg. des-bhākhā, s.f. Vernacular language, local dialect:—deś-bhā`ī, s.m. A fellowcountryman:—deś-tyāg, s.m. The abandoning one's country, voluntary exile, emigration:—deś-tyāgī, s.m. One who abandons his country, an emigrant, exile:—deś-ćalan, s.m.=deś-āćār, q.v.:—deś ćhoṛnā(apnā), To leave (one's) country, to emigrate:—deś-dharm, vulg. desdharam, s.m.The law or usage of a country, local law, local rights or customs:—des-des, s.m. Many countries, different or various countries;—adv. From country to country; through various lands:—deś-rīti, s.f.=deś-āćār, q.v.:—deś-nikālā, s.m. Banishment, exile:—deś-nikālādenā, v.t. To banish from a country:—deś-wālā, vulg. des-wāl, s.m. (f. -ī), A native of a country:—deśopadrav (˚śa+up˚), s.m. National misfortune or calamity, national distress:—deś-vyavasthā, s.f. The laws of a country:—deś-vyavahār, vulg. des-vyahār, and des-be`ohār, s.m. Custom or practice of a country or province, local usage:—deśaiśvarya (˚śa+aiś˚), s.m. The greatness or magnificence of a country.