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dah [Pehl. dah; Zend daśan, nom. daśa; S. दशन् , दश], adj. Ten (also used, for daśor das, by some of the old Hindīpoets, as Ćand, etc., and in Hindīcompounds):—dah-bāshī(bāshī, fr. T. bāsh, 'head'), s.m. A commander of ten men; a person having a place of trust; a valet:—dah-ćand, adj. Ten-fold, ten times:—dah-ćandagī, s.f. A ten-fold (return,—used in returning a salutation):—dah dar dunyā ṣad dar āḵẖirat, prov. 'Ten in thisworld, a hundred in the next'; charity will be returned ten-fold in the next world (used as a benediction by mendicants;—sattar, 'seventy,' is sometimes substituted for ṣad, 'hundred'):—dah dar dah, 'Ten by ten,' ten cubic yards (of water,—such being regarded as pure according to the ḥadīs̤or Mohammadan law):—dah-dila, adj. 'Having ten hearts'; fickle, inconstant, faithless;—brave, courageous, bold:—dah-roza, s.m. An aggregate of ten days, a decade:—dah-sāla, adj. Of ten years; decennial:—dah-sanī, adj. Of or for ten years;—s.f. A book comprising the collections, accounts, registers, etc. of ten years:—dah-serā, s.m. A weight of ten ser or seers:—dah-marda, adj. & s.m. Consisting of, or capable of carrying, ten men;—a company or body of ten men; a cart (smaller than a gāṛīor ćhakṛā), capable of carrying ten men:—dahmannī, adj. Holding ten man or maunds:—dahnīmī, s.f. lit. 'Half of ten'; five per cent.:—dahyak, s.m., or dah-yakī, s.f. A tenth part, a tithe, one in ten; an allowance of ten per cent.
Origin: Persian
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